A comparative Analisysis of SWORD Partner’s Countries/Regions (first draft) PROVINCIA AUTONOMA DI TRENTO
Broad objectives
Ratio of young people (15 – 29) in the total population
Source: Eurostat, Istat
Source: Eurostat, Istat, AUS-PAT
Source: Eurostat, Miur, AUS PAT, PBZ, AU, DE
Source: Eurostat
Horizontal Match
Vertical Match
Hard and soft indicators
Some considerations The dual as we have observed in the regional reports needs: Grand legislative reforms Learning venues Massive participation through the consensus principle Coverage of demand with adequate supply (surplus in demand, reputation of certain occupations/companies) Balanced share in public and private funding Codified and controlled quality standards Qualified teachers and training personnel Attractivity and accessibility Social acceptance
Main Costs Institutional costs - Part-time vocational schools/teachers - Programmes outside companies/school - Tax reductions - Administration of different aspect of apprenticeship training (dedicated resources dedicated offices) Main Benefits Institutional benefits - More tax returns (higher wages) - Less unemployment > less social expenses (direct and indirect) - Less full-time schooling (more expensive) Returns for apprentice work In the Cost-Benefit Survey the BIBB refers generally a disavantage per trainee and year: €15288 (costs), €11692 (returns) with a net cost of €3000, beyond this global look are also cases with a good return.
- Strengths - Good employment - Good level of participation of youth employee - Consensual organization of the system with particiaption of representative of state, emplpoyer organization, workers unions Weakness -Real permeability to higher educational achievements - Special measures for drop-outs (weak) Opportunities Critical issue - demographic decline and immigration with less qualification - rapid changes in technologies - evolution of the economy towards a service economy - decline of company participation - it seems there are few alternatives to the dual system - Persistence of drop out - Tendency to reproduce inequalities - Limitation to social mobility
Opportunities for the whole system - We wondered if the dual system is a success factor of the production system or, on the contrary, the production system drags towards success the vocational training system - We suppose and some facts reinforce our idea the explanations are neither mono-causal nor unidirectional and deterministic - Anyway we are agree with those who say the dual system should (for a real utility) promote conditions for involvement and a joint responsibility of all operators (schools and trainers, the production system, institutions and groups of interest), it can not require them only as a pre-condition
Overview of main indicators
Relation between social performance and dual indicators
Questions How dual systems face the problem of adapting the content of apprenticeship to the ever-changing requirements of new technologies? How dual systems face the evolution of the labor market to the new needs of the economy increasingly based on services? (soft skills, flexible specialization, knowledge management) How to manage mobility across sectors? How to define standard costs for a real start up in a new country/region? which possible alternatives to the dual system?