UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS Senate June 15, 2015 Ray Darling, Registrar Data Prepared by Andre Jardin, Associate Registrar
UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS November 1, 2015 Target - 6,201 June 3, 2015 Target - 6,635 June 3, 2015 Actuals - 6,538
TOTAL CONFIRMATIONS NEW 1 ST YR STUDENTS Target2015% of Target Applied Health Science % Arts % Engineering % Environment % Mathematics % Science % Computing & Fin. Mgmt % Software Engineering % Total % Math/ELAS % BASE %
ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP SUMMARY FOR CONFIRMED 2015% of 2015 confirms 2014% of 2014 confirms Applied Health Science32367%31260% Arts75156%57950% Engineering151995%146692% Environment30558%30255% Mathematics128098%135697% Science74867%74368% Computing & Fin. Mgmt47100%44100% Software Engineering11496%12894% Total508778%493076% Math/ELAS24397%25098% BASE7177%6270%
OBSERVATIONS Quality is high More scholarships than last year 59% have above 90% Quantity is on track Expect to hit overall count-date target % of international has increased Up 13%
OBSERVATIONS Provincial Trends Confirmations up 1% compared to last year 17 of 20 schools still open