Today’s Game Plan 1/14/16 Kickoff #6 Read the first paragraph on pg. 244 and answer the questions below. 1.What periods came before and after the Middle Ages? 2.What does the term Medieval mean? Medieval Europe booklet
EQ, LT, & Standards Chapter 10 L1 Essential Question: Why does conflict develop? Essential Question: Why does conflict develop? Learning Targets: Students will be able to discuss and analyze the balance of power between the pope and Charlemagne. Student will be able to draw conclusion about Charlemagne’s rule. Learning Targets: Students will be able to discuss and analyze the balance of power between the pope and Charlemagne. Student will be able to draw conclusion about Charlemagne’s rule. Standards: 7.32 Identify the physical location and features of Europe including the Alps, the Ural Mountains, the North European Plain, and the Mediterranean Sea and the influence of the North Atlantic Drift. (G) Standards: 7.32 Identify the physical location and features of Europe including the Alps, the Ural Mountains, the North European Plain, and the Mediterranean Sea and the influence of the North Atlantic Drift. (G) 7.34 Demonstrate understanding of the conflict and cooperation between the Papacy and European monarchs, including Charlemagne, Gregory VII, and Emperor Henry IV. (H, P) 7.34 Demonstrate understanding of the conflict and cooperation between the Papacy and European monarchs, including Charlemagne, Gregory VII, and Emperor Henry IV. (H, P) 7.37 Examine the spread of Christianity north of the Alps and the roles played by the early church and by monasteries in its diffusion after the fall of the western half of the Roman Empire. (C, G, H) 7.37 Examine the spread of Christianity north of the Alps and the roles played by the early church and by monasteries in its diffusion after the fall of the western half of the Roman Empire. (C, G, H) 7.42 Outline the decline of Muslim rule in the Iberian Peninsula that culminated in the Reconquista, Inquisition, and the rise of Spanish and Portuguese kingdoms. (C, G, H) 7.42 Outline the decline of Muslim rule in the Iberian Peninsula that culminated in the Reconquista, Inquisition, and the rise of Spanish and Portuguese kingdoms. (C, G, H) 7.51 Explain the institution and impact of missionaries on Christianity and the diffusion of Christianity from Europe to other parts of the world in the medieval and early modern periods. (C, G, H) 7.51 Explain the institution and impact of missionaries on Christianity and the diffusion of Christianity from Europe to other parts of the world in the medieval and early modern periods. (C, G, H)
Medieval Europe Booklet In your booklet you will need to label each Lesson You will need a book cover with title and picture For Lesson 1 Draw and label map from pg. 245 Write and answer each of the questions from the next slide.
Today’s Game Plan 1/19/16 Kickoff #7 Read pg. 248 –Write & Answer the following question. What did Charlemagne do to advance education? Medieval Europe booklet 4-H- Officers & Speech givers be ready!
1/19/16 Kickoff #7 Read pg. 248 –Write & Answer the following question. What did Charlemagne do to advance education?
Lesson 1 Questions 1. What advantages would there have been for medieval Paris to be situated on the Seine River?(pg.244) 2. Who was the first Germanic ruler to accept Catholic Christianity? (pg. 246) 3. What was Charles Martel’s nickname? (pg. 246) 4. Who fought the Battle of Tours? Who won? (pg. 246) 5. Who was Charlemagne’s father? (pg. 247) 6. When did Charlemagne become king? How long was he king? (pg. 247,248) 7. Who invaded eastern parts of France and Italy, and where were they from? (pg. 248) 8. Who elected Otto as the German king? What did King Otto do for the pope? What did the pope do in return? (pg. 249) 9. What effect did missionaries have on Western Europe? (pg. 250) 10. What was the source of the conflict? What did the pope do to Henry? How did Henry respond? (pg. 251) 11. What agreement was reached by the new German king and new pope in 1122? (pg. 251)
Today’s Game Plan 1/22/16 Kickoff #8 We will go over Questions for Lesson 1 Medieval Europe booklet- Lesson 2 Medieval Europe booklet- Lesson 2
Kickoff #8 1/22/16 Look over the diagram on pg.253 showing the Feudal system. Write & Answer the following questions about the diagram. Look over the diagram on pg.253 showing the Feudal system. Write & Answer the following questions about the diagram. – 1. Which level represents the vassals in the feudal order? – 2. What does the triangle shape of the graph indicate about the different classes in the feudal system?
M edieval E urope B ooklet- L esson 2 Feudalism Draw a diagram like the one you see here. Write the term Feudalism in the center bubble and four concepts (ideas) that go with this type of government system in the bubbles around it. Use information from Lesson 2 to help you. Draw a diagram like the one you see here. Write the term Feudalism in the center bubble and four concepts (ideas) that go with this type of government system in the bubbles around it. Use information from Lesson 2 to help you.
Q uestions - L esson 2 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the characteristics that define a culture? ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the characteristics that define a culture? LEARNING TARGETS: Students will be able to analyze why the Magna Carta was needed. Explain the Causes and Effects of The Crusades LEARNING TARGETS: Students will be able to analyze why the Magna Carta was needed. Explain the Causes and Effects of The Crusades. STANDARDS: STANDARDS: 7.33 Describe the development of feudalism and manorialism, its role in the medieval European economy, and the way in which it was influenced by physical geography (the role of the manor and the growth of towns). (C, E, G, H, P) 7.41 Trace the emergence of a modern economy, including the growth of banking, technological and agricultural improvements, commerce, towns, and a merchant class. (C, E, H) 1.What were the causes of feudalism? (252) 2.Read and write the primary source on pg Rewrite in your own words. 3.What is a motte? What was the purpose of building the keep on the motte? (254) 4.What other features were designed to help protect the castle and its residents? (254) 5.What made up the lands of a fief? What was a manor? (255) 6.What are 3 main parts of a manor? (255)
Q uestions- L esson 2 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the characteristics that define a culture? ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the characteristics that define a culture? LEARNING TARGETS: Students will be able to analyze why the Magna Carta was needed. Explain the Causes and Effects of The Crusades LEARNING TARGETS: Students will be able to analyze why the Magna Carta was needed. Explain the Causes and Effects of The Crusades. STANDARDS: STANDARDS: 7.33 Describe the development of feudalism and manorialism, its role in the medieval European economy, and the way in which it was influenced by physical geography (the role of the manor and the growth of towns). (C, E, G, H, P) 7.41 Trace the emergence of a modern economy, including the growth of banking, technological and agricultural improvements, commerce, towns, and a merchant class. (C, E, H) 7.What did the 3 Italian cities have in common? (257) 8.Why did members of the new middle class try to break with the nobles who controlled towns under the feudal system? (258) 9.Draw a Venn diagram comparing Freeman & Serfs. (255)