1 Pacific Area Standards Congress April 2007 Cartagena, Colombia Gary W. Kushnier, Chair Rob Steele, Secretary Report from the PASC Standing Committee
2007 Slide 2 Pacific Area Standards Congress April 2007 Cartagena, Colombia Overview of PASC SC Current membership Recent meetings Current activities Meritorious Award PASC Action Plan
2007 Slide 3 Pacific Area Standards Congress April 2007 Cartagena, Colombia Overview of PASC SC (Cont.) PASC SC created in September 1994 to respond to the formation of the APEC SCSC, representing PASC as one of the five Specialist Regional Bodies to the APEC SCSC Responsibilities currently include: To undertake specific standards and conformity projects referred to PASC by APEC/SCSC To undertake projects referred to the Standing Committee by PASC itself (e.g. establish and provide support for any ad hoc working groups; invite non-members of PASC to observe at the annual meeting) To represent PASC, if invited to do so, on APEC/SCSC or other groups under the APEC/CTI and other Specialist Regional Bodies dealing with standards and conformity issues
2007 Slide 4 Pacific Area Standards Congress April 2007 Cartagena, Colombia Overview of PASC SC (Cont.) To initiate collaborative activities and projects on behalf of PASC To identify and propose new areas of cooperation among PASC members To undertake outreach efforts to existing and potential new NSB members To consider and make recommendations to PASC on any other issues that may arise to make PASC more effective in meeting its objectives as defined in the PASC Charter To promote international cooperation between PASC and other regional standards bodies To promote cooperation with other relevant bodies in the field of conformity assessment To develop strategy papers and project proposals in response to suggestions from PASC Members for discussion and approval by PASC
2007 Slide 5 Pacific Area Standards Congress April 2007 Cartagena, Colombia Membership Chair held by Prof. M. Tanaka of Japan for first 6 years with Mr. O. Archer of Australia serving as Secretary for the same period of time. Mr. G. Kushnier of USA became Chair in Mr. R. Steele of SNZ became PASC Secretary in 2002 and also serves as Secretary to the PASC SC. Chair’s term concludes at the end of 2009; Secretary’s term concludes at the end of this year. Chair of the PASC SC serves for terms of three years, coming from the membership of the PASC SC, and may be nominated for re-election. Current Chair’s current term concludes at end of Secretary of PASC serves for a three year term and may be re-nominated and re- elected for a second and final three year term. Current Secretary’s term concludes at the end of Mr. Juichi Nagano of JISC has offered to serve as Secretary of PASC, for a first term. PASC 30 asked to confirm this offer. All PASC members are eligible for membership on the PASC SC, with a single person being designated to represent each member, with the possibility for one alternate
2007 Slide 6 Pacific Area Standards Congress April 2007 Cartagena, Colombia Membership (Cont.) Current membership is from: Australia Canada China Fiji Japan New Zealand Rep. of Korea Singapore South Africa Thailand USA
2007 Slide 7 Pacific Area Standards Congress April 2007 Cartagena, Colombia Recent Meetings Three meetings held since PASC XXIX – Cape Town May 2006Cape Town September 2006Ottawa January 2007Canberra When possible, PASC SC meetings are held in conjunction with other meetings where many of the members will be present, e.g., the ISO General Assembly and the APEC SCSC
2007 Slide 8 Pacific Area Standards Congress April 2007 Cartagena, Colombia Current Activities Continuous review and updating of the PASC Action Plan which contains all current PASC initiatives in one document which also reflects work assigned to it from PASC via its resolutions; the Action Plan also shows completed actions Involvement of Regulators in Standardization and Benefits of Standardization Development and execution of Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT) and PASC joint agenda for the meeting that took place April 25, 2007 here in Cartegena, Colombia Coordination of PASC NSB delegates to upcoming meetings of IEC TC 111 on Environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems; ISO/TC 223 on Societal security, working in coordination with the APEC SCSC Strategic plan for capacity building in standards and conformance in the region developed by the five SRBs in January 2007 with PASC lead; now under APEC SCSC review Developed a consensus draft agenda for PASC 30 with ICONTEC; also developed special session with ABAC representative with SA.
2007 Slide 9 Pacific Area Standards Congress April 2007 Cartagena, Colombia PASC Action Plan and PASC Meritorious Service Award PASC Secretary to address at this time