Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Valentino Cavalli General Assembly Meeting GÉANT Community Programme Luxembourg, November 2015
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 2 From General Assembly in Porto: Total picture GÉANT General Assembly Advisory Council GÉANT Board Cost Sharing Committee Audit Committee Remuneration Committee GÉANT Programme Planning Committee GÉANT SGA1 Oversight Committee
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People EAC: External Advisory Committee To be continued in GN4-1 as External Advisory committee reporting to management IUAC: International User Advisory Committee To be continued in GN4-1 as International user forum reporting to management SIC: Strategy and Innovation Committee TOR ended at the end of GN3plus Board can call a new committee when required TIC: Trust and Identity Committee TOR ends when a TIC Strategy is delivered EICC: E-Infrastructure Coordination Committee To be continued by management One Board member as sponsor 3 From General Assembly in Porto: What happened with the old and new Board Committees and working groups as of today? EAC SICTICEICC TTCQASPERIUAC QASPER: Quality Assurance and Public and External Relations Committee. QA element to be continued reporting to the GÉANT Oversight Committee TTC: TERENA Technical Committee Detailed on next slide
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People A framework for community-based collaboration initiatives Broad areas, including innovation, management, operations… Objectives Mutually assist NRENs and their constituencies to build communities, share ideas, pick best technologies, address common issues Assist GÉANT in community-driven collaboration Participation open by default, but can be limited to member only in specific circumstances Established by the Board, adopted by the GA and managed by the Executive team Executive team manages the GCP, reports to the Board with the advise of a GÉANT Community Committee (GCC) Executive, having listened to the GCP decides on activities, their lifecycle and – when required – openness. 4 GÉANT Community Programme (GCP)
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People to support work by coalition of the willing and able Link with other GÉANT activities and projects ensured by active participation of GÉANT staff beyond secretariat support Four main instruments Task forces: volunteers, short-lived, result focused Special Interest Groups: volunteers, longer life-cycle, focused on information-sharing Workshops or series of workshops Collaborative projects 5 GCP Activities
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People To advise GÉANT management on community-driven collaboration activities Twice per year guides management in defining priorities GÉANT sets up mechanisms for GCC to obtain input/feedback e.g. by wider stakeholder consultation meeting 6-8 members, from community at large, appointed by the Board on input by the Chair and in consultation with management Chair is a NREN representative, elected by the GÉANT General Assembly Term of office is three years, possibility of reappointment for a 2 nd term Relevant staff members ex-officio Meeting min. three times per year Executive team reports to Board. Once year a free format meeting of Board and GCC is held. Chair shares views with GA Decision making – simple majority Performance reviewed by Board every two years 6 GÉANT Community Committee (GCC)
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People The GA is asked to adopt the ToR of the GCP and the GCC as drafted in document GA(15)046 There are two options for the election of the GCC Chair for the GA to choose from: At the next GA meeting March, Utrecht Online, using the (experimental) online voting procedure It is suggested that the Chair is chosen online, with the new position taking immediate effect, to give the Chair sufficient time to identify candidate GCC members for appointment by the Board in their next meeting The GA is asked to extend the mandate of the TTC until the new GCC is established 7 GA decision and transitional arrangements
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Thank you Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 8 Any questions?