Spring 2016 PolioPlus Update Joe Reardon, MD; District PolioPlus Chair D7710 Mid-Year Assembly Agenda Update on eradication progress Key messages for your club Special Initiatives in 2016
Polio Plus Progress Last wild poliovirus type 2 in the world Last wild poliovirus type 3 in the world
All remaining cases of wild poliovirus this year are on the Pakistan / Afghanistan border Circulating Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus (CVDPV) outbreaks sporadically in Monitoring
Source: Daily Pioneer, India 2016: Elimination of Oral Polio Vaccine April 2016: All countries using injectable vaccine Going Away: Oral Vaccine
Polio remains the most unsung global health priority. –The greatest gift you can offer the world! Success is accelerating. –Pakistan’s plan: elimination by end of 2016 –New vaccination agreement with the Taliban The cost of failure is unfathomable. –Continued paralysis, outbreaks, costly control Messages for your Club
Guest Speakers for your club! Polio Plus Society Zone Goal of $1500 per club to PolioPlus World Polio Day Oct 24, 2015 –Walk for Polio To sign up, Special Initiatives
Recognizing those Rotarians who commit to Rotary and PolioPlus by giving $100 per year until eradication Coming soon! Polio Plus Society
Advocacy, energy & generosity of every Rotarian is essential to reach 'every last child'.