MuckrackersMuckrackers GooGoosGooGoos TemperanceTemperance SuffragettesSuffragettes PopulistsPopulists MidclassWomenMidclassWomen LaborUnionsLaborUnions CivilRightsCivilRights
Four Goals of Progressivism e Protecting Social Welfare e Promoting Moral Improvement e Creating Economic Reform e Reforming Local Government e Protecting Social Welfare e Promoting Moral Improvement e Creating Economic Reform e Reforming Local Government Movement: return control of government to the people “The 4”:
Protecting Social Welfare Soften harsh conditions of industry YMCA – opened libraries and opened recreational facilities Salvation Army – established soup kitchens and started nurseries Women such as Florence Kelley – worked against child labor & shorter working hours for women
Promoting Moral Improvement Morality was the key to improving lives Alcohol was undermining American morals (Temperance/Prohibition) WCTU (Women’s Christian Temperance Union) largest women’s group is U.S. history largest women’s group is U.S. history 245,00 members by 1911 245,00 members by 1911
Promoting Moral Improvement
Creating Economic Reform Americans began to question breaks big business got from government Panic of 1893: American question capitalist system some embrace socialism some embrace socialism Eugene V. Debs (American Eugene V. Debs (American Party in 1901) Party in 1901) Muckrakers – journalist who wrote about the corrupt side of business and poor social conditions
The Socialist Party & Eugene V. Debs The issue is Socialism versus Capitalism. I am for Socialism because I am for humanity.
The Power of Big Business John D. Rockefeller – Oil Tycoon in control of government
Notable Muckrakers Jacob Riis- photographs the horrid tenement living conditions; How the Other Half Lives Ida Tarbell- exposed Standard Oil Trust (McClure’s Magazine) Lincoln Steffens- editor of McClure’s Magazine – exposes political corruption Upton Sinclair- author of The Jungle – abuses in the meatpacking industry
Ida M. Tarbell – “Mr. Rockefeller has systematically played with loaded dice”
Lincoln Steffens: Most famous of the muckraking journalists ( )
Upton Sinclair – Exposes abuses in the meat packing industry
Fostering Efficiency Louis Brandeis – studies data on high costs of working hours Frederick Winslow Taylor – Scientific Management: time & motion studies to improve efficiency
Reforming Local Government Natural disasters play role in reforming city governments A commission of experts deal with running different city departments City council makes local laws usually appoints a manager to run city departments
Reform at the State Level Wisconsin Gov. Robert M. La Follette “Fighting Bob” 3 term governor goal: drive corporations out of politics main target: railroads
Protecting Children & Shorter Working Hours Keating-Owen Act – ban goods produced by child labor Muller v. Oregon limited women to a 10 hour workday
Election Reform Before election reforms, many politicians owed their jobs to their party boss. Today, candidates have to run in primaries initiative a ballot bill by the people instead of lawmakers referendum a vote on the initiative recall public officials face another election before the end of their term
17 th Amendment (1913) Direct election of U.S. Senators
Women Farm Workers South & Midwest Cooking, making clothes, laundering Raising livestock Helped plow/plant fields
Industry, Offices, and Schools 25% in manufacturing (garment trade) 1890, women high school graduates outnumbered men Typists Telephone operators
Women Lead Reform Women’s Colleges open giving more opportunities NACW est. to morally educate the colored race Susan B. Anthony led suffrage movement NAWSA est. in 1890 Susan B. Anthony
Attempts at Suffrage Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho gave right to vote 1875 Supreme Court said women were citizens but denied them right to vote