The Management of Jersey Shellfisheries Simon Bossy Fisheries and Marine Resources,Jersey
Jersey - location
Jersey and Adjacent coasts Shallow Numerous tidal gyres Fresh water input Large tidal range (13m) High primary productivity 800 square miles
Jersey Fishing Industry 2007 70 working vessels 1600 tons shellfish 120 tons wet fish Value £6m 63 hectares farmed 800 tons bivalves from intertidal farms
Captured shellfish 2007 Shellfish by weight Shellfish by value
Fishing limits around Jersey 1990 ‘1839 Regime de la Baie de Granville’ 3 mile limit from LTM Unlimited numbers Unlimited power Unlimited methods Access to French A to K line Zone undefined north, south and west No median line
Sacre bleu, papa! You spoil me. Two kilos of cod and a Fishery Protection Officer
Granville Bay Treaty Fishermen Fisheries Panel Jersey Agriculture and Fisheries Committee Jersey Policy and Resources Committee Home Office,London Foreign Office, LondonQuai d’Orsay, Paris Affaires Maritimes French Fishermen
Granville Bay Treaty 2000 Defined access for local vessels + historic rights. Limits on number size and metier in coastal zones. A defined management system A defined median line Confirmation of Jersey authority in mile zone
Towards a solution
Granville Bay Joint measures achieved Spider crab closure Scallop MLS Scallop dredge ring size Limits on beam trawling Pot limitation scheme all pots tagged Parlour pot free zone Escape gaps in all parlour pots Pair trawling zone agreement Retention of fish MLS Prawn MLS Ormer MLS
Granville Bay Bag Limits Marine Stewardship joint application Netting ban during spider closure In discussion
Parlour Pot escape gaps
Escape gap measurement
Lobster CPUE
Pot Limits - Jersey Key:- 200 pots for 4.9 m (e.g. Orkney 16) 1500 pots for 12.5 m
Pot limitation
Pot tags-Jersey vessel
Pot tags - French vessel
Rough waters
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