Malvern Parish Primary School End of Key Stage 2 SATs Assessments 2011
What are they? SATS (Standard Assessment Tests) are end of Key Stage Assessments and given at the end of Year 2 and Year 6. They are used to show your child's progress compared with other children born in the same year across the country. Every child is expected to sit their SATs in these years.
When are they? This year, SATs week takes place, nationwide on the week beginning MAY 9 th They last for 1 week only. No school is allowed to give any authorised absences for this period, and all parents are strongly advised to avoid booking holidays at this time.
What are the tests? Every year children are expected to complete the following tests in year 6: 2 x Maths papers (both 45 minutes long but for paper B the children are given a calculator) 1 x Mental Maths Test. (This is 20minutes long and is administered from a CD) 1x Long Writing (45 minutes) 1 x Short Writing (20 minutes) Spelling Test (20 minutes) 1 x Reading Test (45 minutes + 15 minutes reading time)
What are they expected to do? Literacy: Within the longer and shorter writing tasks, the children will be asked to complete a task based on a particular style of writing. For example, they might be expected to complete a narrative (story) based on a mysterious creature, or write a play-script. Within the longer and shorter writing tasks, the children will be asked to complete a task based on a particular style of writing. For example, they might be expected to complete a narrative (story) based on a mysterious creature, or write a play-script. Children will be prepared! Within their literacy lessons, all the children will have looked at, talked about and had experience of writing in the different types and styles of writing. Children will be prepared! Within their literacy lessons, all the children will have looked at, talked about and had experience of writing in the different types and styles of writing. Audience – Context – Purpose
Numeracy: Children will be given 45 minutes to complete a variety of questions based on the main areas of Numeracy: Children will be given 45 minutes to complete a variety of questions based on the main areas of Numeracy: 1. Number (addition/subtraction/division/multiplication), 2. Shape & Space, 3. Handling Data, 4. Algebra, 5. Using and applying numeracy The test is set out so that the L3 questions are at the beginning of the paper and then the tests get progressively harder leading on to the L5 questions. The test is set out so that the L3 questions are at the beginning of the paper and then the tests get progressively harder leading on to the L5 questions.
Expectations: SATs are an end of Key Stage assessment and not a Year 6 test. It is anticipated that children will achieve a Level 4 by the time they sit their SATs in Year 6. HOWEVER… HOWEVER…
Targets Each child has their own end of year target in Numeracy and Reading and Writing in Literacy. These are measured in sub- levels to help track progress from KS1. 3c 3b 3a 4c 4b 4a 5c 5b 5a However SATs will only report the Level number However SATs will only report the Level number
What we know. All of the staff are fully aware and recognise the commitment and hard work that EVERY child puts into their school work. These National Tests are a summative assessment method of tracking children’s progress. Teachers are always monitoring and assessing your children’s progress and will award each child with a Teacher Assessment Level. This will be in the end of year School Report.
Support For some children we are able to provide additional support in a variety of forms: For some children we are able to provide additional support in a variety of forms: Support Readers - Takes into account individual reading ages and abilities, Scribes, Additional Time, However: This year the support restrictions have become even tighter but we have been taking evidence of childrens work throughout the year. However: This year the support restrictions have become even tighter but we have been taking evidence of childrens work throughout the year.
Our message… There is NO need to worry Just do your best!
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