* Statutory Assessment Tasks and Tests (also includes Teacher Assessment). * Usually taken at the end of Key Stage 1 (at age 7) and at the end of Key.


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Presentation transcript:

* Statutory Assessment Tasks and Tests (also includes Teacher Assessment). * Usually taken at the end of Key Stage 1 (at age 7) and at the end of Key Stage 2 (at age 11).

9 March 2016 * Around 75% of children were at Level 4 by the end of Key Stage 2. * Some children were still at Level 3 and some children achieved Level 5 * A small percentage of children were not yet working at Level 3.

9 March 2016 * Depending on the number of correct answers in the tests, the children will be given a numerical scaled score. * The average score for a Year 6 child will be based on 100. * Above 100 will be above average, below 100 will be below average.

9 March 2016 * Example: Child A – got a 2B aged 7 in his reading test. Scores 105 aged 11 and so is said to have made better than expected progress * Example: Child B – got a level 1 aged 7 in maths. Scores 95 aged 11 so although isn’t at age expected levels yet, has still made expected progress.

* For most children there will be two types of assessment – teacher assessment and tests. Teacher assessment takes account of the work the children do in class. The tests are externally set and marked. * For some children it is inappropriate for them to sit the tests and they receive a teacher assessment only.

9 March 2016 * This year the tests will take place on the week commencing 9 th May. Children may not take them earlier or later without special permission for extraordinary circumstances. * Usually there are two tests per day and it is a busy week for children and staff alike.

9 March 2016

* Children have 60 minutes to read and answer questions from 3 or 4 different texts. Children are expected to be able to read fluently. * No help with reading/explaining is allowed, but teachers may help write answers if this is necessary. * Spelling, punctuation and grammar are not important in this test. * Most marks are for explanations with questions worth 2 or 3 marks expecting more detailed answers.

9 March 2016 * This year the children’s SATs will be marked via an on- screen approach, rather than being sent through the post to markers across the country. * All tests at all levels will be marked onscreen in The answer booklets will all include barcodes so that each page of a test script is associated with the right pupil. Answer booklets will be cut up and scanned for onscreen marking. The children can still do jottings around the side of the page, but they will need to keep it within the given border.

9 March 2016 * Writing is continually assessed through independent short and longer tasks throughout the year. Children are expected to show a variety of sentence forms; accurate grammar and punctuation; appropriate structure and imaginative and interesting ideas and vocabulary, which are appropriate for the reader and task. A sample of work may be externally moderated, to ensure that assessment for writing is consistent across schools nationally.

9 March 2016 * It is assessed in two separate tests. One 45 minute grammar and punctuation test and one spelling test of 20 target words (presented to children orally by a teacher) Words are presented both singularly and in a sentence. * Your child’s score in this test will be added to their reading score. This will give them a numerical which is then linked to the 100 scaled score.

9 March 2016

* Rather than listening to oral questions this year, children will sit an “arithmetic” paper. This will be a series of written sums which will test their speed and accuracy of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. * Children will have 30 mins to complete the test.

* Two 40 minute written papers, for which calculators are not allowed. * Some questions are worth one mark and therefore accuracy is important. * Other questions are worth two marks and even if the answer is wrong, a mark may be given for working out. * There is more emphasis on being able to use and apply maths in word problems. * Teachers may read questions in both written papers to pupils if asked.

9 March 2016

* The Government are only currently selecting 25% of English schools to sit science tests. We will know later this term or early next term if we have been selected this year.

* A timetable is issued to school, telling us on which days tests must be administered. * We can determine at what time tests begin. * All children must sit the tests at the same time. * Tests are completed in classrooms, with any displays that may help covered over. * The LA monitor 10% of schools per year. * Children are divided into groups for test administration to ensure they are properly supported and feel secure.

9 March 2016 * In the reading test, children must read the text and questions by themselves, but MAY have help recording their answers, if this is done in a normal classroom situation. * In maths, teachers can read questions to any child who asks. Some children will have the whole paper read to them, on a one to one basis. * Teachers can encourage, but not guide or say that an answer is correct or incorrect. * Words on a test paper can be transcribed where a marker may not be able to read a child’s answer.

* The best help is interest taken in learning and progress. * Attending meetings and parents evenings. * Supporting homework, with specific focus on their targets. * Not putting children under too much pressure. * Ensuring children arrive for school and tests: -in good time -having gone to bed at a reasonable time

Every week your child is given a maths and writing piece of homework. As writing is continually assessed throughout the year, it is really important that the children see their written work as important and that they transfer the quality of writing and sentence structures that they practise in school to their work outside the classroom.

* Spellings! In your child’s home school book there is the year 5/6 wordlist. Many of the spellings your child will be given will come from this list (these are words that don’t follow the regular rules). Although there are only 20 spellings in the actual test, their score makes a significant difference to their SPAG level and, therefore, their overall English level.

Monday 9 MayEnglish reading test Tuesday 10 May English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Paper 1: short answer questions Paper 2: spelling. Wednesday 11 May Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic test. Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning. Thursday 12 May Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning.

* Test papers are sent to external markers after the tests and arrive back in school early in July. * Schools then check the results and papers to ensure there are no errors. Sometimes papers are sent for re-marking. * Schools must inform parents of SATs results by the end of the school year in July. * Parents receive test and teacher assessment scores for English, maths and science. * Parents are given the overall school results as a percentage. * Your child’s receiving high school will also be informed of their results.