Getting spirited Using others’ creativity to stimulate your own
Spirit video Assignment Objective: – Utilize scriptwriting and video production skills to produce a Ridge Point spirit video, targeted at new and current students View these videos for inspiration: – Texas A&M spirit 2015 Texas A&M spirit 2015 – McKinney HS “We Built This City” McKinney HS “We Built This City” – Broken Arrow High School Broken Arrow High School – George Ranch lip dub George Ranch lip dub – RPHS spirit video RPHS spirit video – RPHS football spirit 2014 RPHS football spirit 2014
Spirit video Assignment In groups of up to four, create a shot sheet for a video that will inspire future students to attend RPHS and remind current students why they are on the best campus in the area – Final video should be between two and five minutes long – It needs to have at least ten scenes – Script should be titled [last names] spirit script and is due by midnight on Friday, January 8, This is a major grade – Use the shot sheet template for your script – Each group should sit down with Mrs. J to get feedback on their script BEFORE they start shooting This meeting is a daily grade
Spirit video Assignment Once the script is approved, begin shooting and editing your video in Adobe Premiere Final video should be titled [last names] spirt video format It is due by midnight on Friday, January 15, 2016 to Mrs. J via Google Drive. This is a double major grade We will critique them in class on Monday and Tuesday – Your critique will be a daily grade
Spirit video assignment grading rubric CriteriaWeight Video quality (clips must be shot by your team)15 Audio quality15 Editing quality15 Tells a solid story that flows and engages the audience25 Appropriate length (2-5 minutes) 5 Is saved as (QuickTime) file5 Overall effort20 Total100
You have a lot of time to complete this assignment. If you are not utilizing your time wisely, by excessive talking, horseplay or getting off task (YouTube, Twitter, etc.), you personally will lose five points on the final video grade for each infraction. On the second infraction, the TEAM will lose five additional points. This is a DOUBLE MAJOR grade so STAY ON TASK!