Developing a Coherent Cyberinfrastructure from Local Campus to National Facilities: Challenges and Strategies Status of the Workshop Report Recommendations – 1 Year Later EDUCAUSE Campus Cyberinfrastructure Working Group Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation Workshop: July 2008 Report: February 2009
Background Idea for this workshop born at the Spring 2008 CASC meeting Workshop held in Indianapolis (July 2008) Workshop report jointly published (February 2009) Workshop and report are joint efforts of CASC and EDUCAUSE CCI-WG CASC represents 60 member institutions representing many of the nation’s most forward thinking universities and computing centers EDUCAUSE current membership comprises more than 2,200 colleges, universities, and educational organizations, including 250 corporations, with more than 17,000 active members
Summary of Workshop Report Workshop emphasis areas Harnessing Campus and National Resources Information Life Cycle: Accessibility, Usability, and Sustainability Shifts in Organizational Structures Workshop highlighted 10 strategic and multiple tactical recommendations within each strategic area aimed at Campuses National Resource Providers Federal Agencies Network Organizations Disciplinary Communities Cyberinfrastructure Experts
Goals for the Afternoon Joint CASC/CCI Discussion What are the highest priority recommendations needed at your institution? Progress moving these recommendations forward? Impediments to moving these recommendations forward? How can CASC and CCI work together moving recommendations forward for members of both groups Identify high priority specific ideas and synergies for joint follow- on projects Harness the strengths of both CASC and EDUCAUSE-CCI Project outcomes must provide specific deliverables that advance the implementation of high priority recommendations Results to be shared with both member institutions
Logistics Assemble 4 discussion groups Groups will focus on the discussion goals as reflected from the workshop’s strategic recommendations Each group will start with the strategic recommendation # of that group and then do a cyclic rotation through the other recommendations Each group will have a moderator (Amy, Guy, Garret, Patrick) and designated scribe to report out the key discussion points