Audio, audio everywhere and not a drop of ink how disruptive is educational podcasting to post-compulsory education? Andrew Middleton
look ahead 5 years debate a vision for an audio-enhanced curriculum
first... set the scene experience from a Broadcast Journalism 1st year module audio has been used in diverse ways
me and my role an educational developer leading creative development, central academic innovation team audio everywhere..! Student Audio Notes project - promoting learner autonomy 100 Things Every Student Should Know... - promoting podcasting by open invite Creativity in Action course - exploring and promoting creativity amongst students and staff as co-learners createTV - a platform for digital media student work my own podcast
me and my role a teacher on new Making Media module situating Journalism in an age of disruptive technology
Tutor voices: Module expectations Lecture summaries Sharing student FAQs Announcements About assessment criteria audio everywhere Educational podcasting Student voices from classroom activities and discussions External voices interviews with experts, illustrating lectures, seminars, etc. Team & Generic peer & tutor Feedback Audio and Screencasts Making Media module objective Student Podcast Gallery group presentations see also: Libby Rothwell "Podcasting and collaborative learning" Ch 12, IMPALA book
Pervasive audio supporting media intervention – orientation – motivation – challenge immediate and formative cross pollination and validation across seminar groups collective responsibility promoting student self-efficacy
9 critical characteristics of authentic learning Provide an authentic context that reflects the way the knowledge will be used in real life Authentic activities Access to expert performances and the modelling of processes Multiple roles and perspectives Collaborative construction of knowledge Reflection Articulation Coaching and scaffolding Authentic assessment (Herrington, J., & Oliver, R. (2000) An instructional design framework for authentic learning environments. Educational Technology Research and Development, 48, 23-48)
Articulation "Thought undergoes many changes as it turns into speech. It does not merely find expression in speech; it finds reality and form." Vygotsky, L. and Kozulin, A. (1992) Thought and Language. 6th Edition. MIT Press, p.219
Break Out! Groups of 3-5 people Discuss the 5 points (3 minutes each point) Score each point and agree on a comment (20 minutes)
Vote on the motion We believe that digital audio's potential to further and higher education is as a ubiquitous and flexible medium that can be adapted by any academic to enrich the learner experience.