Welcome to Cellsville: The Perfect Flying Town! Some of the major components: City Hall An efficient government Quaint bakeries Solar-powered propellers Elaborate transportation systems Postal Office Law enforcers Luxurious single-family homes Protective City Boundaries
City Hall (Nucleus) The “center” of the town Includes our town library that stores major information and records about the town’s history In the City Hall, decisions that determine the basis of our city are made.
PostOfficePostOffice Receives packages and letters (proteins and lipids) Delivers them according to their given “zip code” (part of the lysosome or vesicle) Building resembles a stack of pancakes Officials choose job placements (Golgi Bodies)
Government (Cytoskeleton) Provides framework for Cellsville through the law code Makes sure people carry out their duties and jobs (peroxisomes) The providers of structure and responsibility
Bakeries (Chloroplasts) Provide sustenance for people (bacteria) in the town The “energy source” Get goods (sun) from suppliers and create tasty, world-renowned pastries (energy) from them
Solar-powered Propellers (Flagella) Propel the cell through the air Use solar power for energy and the ability to carry out their tasks Slender vehicles that help in the operation of the town
Roads (Endoplasmic Reticulum) Elaborate transportation system of Cellsville Tubular suction roads that connect major buildings and tourist attractions to each other Contains underground tunnels for our vehicles
Law Enforcers (Lysosomes) Break down criminals (bad bacteria) Keep the peace (help white blood cells) Eat donuts (various molecules) Chosen by post office officials
Single-family Homes (Vacuoles) House people (bacteria) in luxurious style Walk-in pantries store extra food from bakery (chloroplasts) Customized homes with individual rooms (vesicles) to ensure privacy Call your realtor for details!
CityBoundaries CityBoundaries Permeable gate and fence surrounding the city; made of a high- tech form of rubber (phospholipids) made by NASA Controls entrance and exit of people and goods Encases the city Provides protection to the citizens from outside forces (Cell Membrane)