Welcome, Students! Love, Mrs. Champ
Classroom Schedule 8:15 – 8:22 Homeroom, Lockers (1 st /2 nd ), Attendance 8:22 - 9:091 st Period 9:09 – 9:562 nd Period 10:00 – 10:45Lockers, (5 th /6 th /7 th ),Enrichment 10:45 -11:45Lunch and Recess 11:45 – 12:30SPL 4 th Period 12:30 – 1:175 th Period 1:17 - 2:046 th Period 2:04 - 2:517 th Period 2:51 – 3:10Lockers and Return to Homeroom 3:10School is Dismissed This is what a typical day in 5 th grade looks like.
My experience I’ve been teaching for 9 years. I taught 3 rd grade and 4 th grade. I was also a Reading Specialist. I love to have fun and laugh, but learning must come first. My background I grew up in Old Fields and that is where I currently live. I attended Shepherd University, West Virginia University, and I am now attending Salem International University. NEVER STOP LEARNING Get to Know Me
My Family I have a wonderful husband named Bill aka Mr. Champ. I have an amazing 2 year old daughter named Chloe. I have one dog (Spike) and 2 cats (Max and Macy). Reading Playing with Chloe (pool/swimming/camping) Cooking and Baking Traveling Hobbies/Interests
Communication My School phone: 304 – Class web site: – Select School Staff – Select Amber Champhttp://moorefield.wv.hci.schoolinsites.com &StaffID=155355&iSection=Teachers&CorrespondingID= &StaffID=155355&iSection=Teachers&CorrespondingID=155355
5 th grade subjects and teachers Reading – Mrs. Champ Math – Mrs. Hershberger Science – Mrs. Watts Social Studies – Mrs. Kesner Spelling, Language, and Writing – Mrs. Shockey
Class Goals Build or increase a love for reading Discover new interests Make new friends and collaborate Learn each and every day while having fun and working together
Classroom Community Give Me Five Our classroom rules help us get along with each other: Be respectful Be responsible Be Safe What do each of these mean??? Can you BEE Exceptional Everyday??? YES!
Classroom Rules 1. Use good manners and be respectful: Raise your hand to speak. One person speaks at a time. 2. Do your best and be responsible: Be prepared. Listen and follow directions. Work quietly, do not disturb others. 3. Respect others and property and be safe: Be kind. Do not touch others. Take care of school property REWARDS AND CONSEQUENCES PBS PLAN
Tardiness School starts at 8:15 A.M. Running late? Check in at the school office before coming to class. Please don’t be late.
Reading Accelerated Reader will be based on individual goals. You are expected to meet your goals in order to be rewarded. The greatest reward is that you will become a better reader. We have a new program called Achieve Our goal is to READ, READ, READ! Why is reading so important?
Bring these items each day Number 2 Pencils Workbook Reading book AR book Binder Assignment Planner Supplies
Homework 20 minutes of READING every night. If you have homework, please turn it in on time. Do your best!
Class Supplies pencils Ziplock bags (gallon/quart) scissors clorox wipes glue sticksGerm-x dry erase markers colored copy paper Pencil pouch index cards Twist-up crayons, colored pencils, or markerscard stock Loose leaf notebook papertissues 3 Ringer Binder
Seating Stay where you are now. Each Friday we will clean out our desk and rotate within our group. I’ll let you choose a seat tomorrow and I’ll keep you like that as long as we work hard. Then, each six weeks I’ll make a new seating arrangement. If you sit where I want you to without complaining, I’ll let you choose again the last six weeks.
Procedures Morning – lunch count Bell ringer Helpers – daily (answering intercom) Lining up- quiet is key Bathroom – (before school, after recess, end of day and 2 punches per week) Fire drill/Crisis Plan Classroom library checkout Lockers Planners
Procedures Heading Paper Finishing early – READ READ READ Visitors in the Classroom Suddenly ill Absent Turning in Work – each teacher will have a place for you to turn in work
Activities Earning tickets (behavior, academics, Accelerated Reader, Achieve 3000) Raffles Reading Treats for meeting goals Techsteps Projects – Photo Story Field Trips
Our Promises We will get along with each other and with our teachers. We will be friendly to everyone. We will be kind to each other: No putdowns, making fun of, or singling out anyone. We will take turns and share. We will respect others’ property.
My Promise I will love each and everyone of you! I will try my hardest to help you learn. I will encourage you to read. I will listen to your concerns. I will help you all that I can. I will enjoy each day with you as we learn together.
Resources Library – We go on Monday’s at 10:00 a.m. Computer Lab – You will go with your 5 th period class.
Let’s Have a Great Year!