AIDS Arms, Inc. Martha A. Guerrero, BA Program Director Manisha H. Maskay, Ph.D. Principal Investigator Executive Director, Community & Client Services
Objectives Identify and recruit HIV + and at high risk individuals of Mexican descent, 18 years of age or older Remove barriers to testing and care Link and engage HIV+ individuals in care/treatment
Intervention Description Priority population Mexican, 18 or older, positive or at high risk for HIV Staffing 3 Promotores de Salud Data Management Specialist Evaluation Specialist Program Director Principal Investigator Service delivery setting o Dallas, TX o Zip codes with high HIV incidence rates Staff certification / training Promotor Certification -Texas DSHS NIH Protecting Human Research Participants Certification ARTAS training Healthcare Marketplace C.A.C. Motivational Interviewing techniques HIPAA compliance training Others as needed
Intervention Strategies Identification of potential study participants Outreach activities Community stakeholder referrals Internal AIDS Arms referrals Linkage-to-care / Study recruitment / Retention Promotor de Salud role: Provide support for those who test HIV + or are out of care from linkage to engagement in medical care Use linkage to care strategies (e.g., ARTAS) within the context of specific cultural needs of each client to ensure retention Base frequency of contact based on the individual client’s needs assessment Fade into background once the client is fully engaged in care but will re-engage upon client request or if client is at risk of dropping out of care Program Director role: Consent eligible clients who opt to engage in medical care at AIDS Arms and agree to participate in the study
Intervention Strategies, cont. Stigma reduction strategies: Individual interventions will address stigma related to self-perception of the client and increase his/her capacity to cope with felt stigma. Outreach and educational programs will address stigma at the community level. The community assessment will guide the development of additional approaches. Client incentives Testing Bus passes, gift cards T-shirts, caps with Viviendo Valiente messages Attendance of medical appointment Bus passes, gift cards Participation in evaluation activities Bus passes, gift cards
HIV Care Continuum Targets of Intervention Activities Categorize intervention activities within the HIV Care Cascade by placing an “X” in the appropriate boxes below. Only include activities funded by HRSA/SPNS. Intervention Activities: Stigma reduction IdentificationLinkageRetention Outreach activities xxx Eban intervention, modified x Media presence Latino MSM websites xxx Radio (culturally-relevant) xxx Print (culturally-relevant) xx ARTAS intervention x Promotores de Salud xxxx Incentives xxx
Intervention Update Adaptation of evidence-based interventions: Eban Health Promotion model, Farm Worker Justice (FWJ) HIV intervention Documentation of procedures to be used in intervention: Specific protocols and procedures will be developed to guide how the interventions will be conducted, documented and reported Changes to be made to our intervention: Eban model Language Cultural relevance Number of sessions per community feedback Inclusion of strategies used in Farm Worker Justice HIV Intervention such as use of fotonovelas Promotores de Salud will remain engaged with the client for a longer period of time than previously proposed in order to ensure client is fully engaged in care and to promote retention in care Challenges faced in design/implementation of our intervention: N/A Timeline for implementation of our intervention: Year 2 - Quarter 1, on-going
Partners / collaborators to date Stakeholder survey Promotion of VV efforts Collabo- ration Access to Mexican pop. LULAC – Rainbow Chapter xxxx Vickery Meadow Management Corp. Action Team xxxx Promise House xxx N. Dallas Shared Ministries xxxx LBU Community Clinic xxxx First United Methodist – Richardson xxxx First United Methodist - Plano xxxx Casa Linda United Methodist Church xxxx Centro de Mi Salud – Behavioral Ctr. xxxx AIDS Interfaith Network xx
Manisha H. Maskay - Principal Investigator Tel , ext.3315 Martha A. Guerrero - Program Director Tel , ext.3387 Nicole S. Chisolm – Evaluation Specialist Tel Thank y0u!