THE GROWTH OF INDUSTRIAL PROSPERITY Industrialization led to dramatic increases in productivity as well as new political and social movements
THE SECOND INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Wireless Telegraph Steel replaces iron (Lighter and Faster) Electricity becomes a major form of new energy What fuels an industrial society? Demand for goods grows, fueling more industry
Effects Industrialized countries became powerful – those that did not industrialize became dependent i.e., the nations of Africa and Asia
URBANIZATION: THE GROWTH OF CITY POPULATION Population of England’s urban dwellers rises from 40% in 1850 to 60% London’s population grew from 960,000 to 6,500,000 Sanitation became an issue
Urbanization Problems Crowded condition led to a spread of disease Not enough sewage Deadly Cholera caused by contaminated water
Laissez Faire Philosophers Laissez Faire: “Let it be” in French from 18th century Enlightenment philosophers they argued that government regulations only get in the way a nation getting wealthy ●However, this allowed poor treatment of workers
Infer Why did capitalism provoke strong response from the socialists? Answer(s): Socialists blamed capitalism for harsh working conditions, polluted cities, and the big gaps between rich and poor.
Karl Marx, Socialism is an economic system in which society, usually in the form of the government, owns and controls the important parts of the economy, such as factories and utilities. Communism – Idea created by Marx – Government owns all the means of production. All workers are paid the same.
The Communist Manifesto Bourgeoisie – Upper middle class people that own the means of production (often tools, trade or factories) Proletariat – Lower class that do not own the means of production (often factory workers) Wealthy controlled money and production while poor performed hard labor under horrible conditions this situation had to result in conflict
Future According to Marx Industrial Revolution would eventually destroy itself : The large Proletariat (working class) would revolt, seize factories, and produce what society needed Dictatorship of the Proletariat Established to smooth transition workers would share in the profits Governments would gradually disappear
Karl Marx
ATTEMPTS AT SOCIALIST REFORM Marxist Revisionists – rejected the idea of violent revolution. Thought change could be made through democratic movements Trade unions – Workers united and collectively bargained for better conditions. Strikes were used.
Entrepreneur – Someone who starts a business from scratch (often risks their own capital) Capital – Money needed to start up a business Labor – The workforce
Robert Owen British factory owner improved factory conditions for his employees Near his cotton mill in Scotland he built houses that he rented to his employees at low rates prohibited children under 10 from working in his mills and provided free schools Utopianism- Attempts to make the perfect living conditions for workers
New Harmony, Indiana
1824 Robert Owen founded a community New Harmony, Indiana he intended it to be a utopia (perfect living place for all his employees); only lasted 3 years but