Preliminary Design Review By: Alireza Veiseh Anh-Thu Thai Luai Abou-Emara Peter Tsang
Goal: –To allow students to learn basic programming concepts by controlling movements of a toy tank via a set of instructions. Introduction
Parts List Design Scheme Modules: – Electronic Compass – Radio Frequency Module – Oscillator – Sonar Ranging Module – XSV-300 – Remote Control – User Interface Design Issues Current Status Overview
Parts List Part Name ManufacturerPart #SupplierCost TankHobby Zone2050CSE lab$99.95 CompassPrecision NavigationV2XCSE lab$49.95 Virtual Wire Development KitRF MonolithicDR1004-DKCSE labNo Sonar Ranging KitPolaroidR CSE labNo XSV-300 BoardXilinxXSV300CSE labNo PICMicro-ChipPIC16F876CSE labNo Oscillator FOXF1100ECSE labNo TransistorsRadio Shack Self-Supl.$2.69 ResistorsUnknown CSE labNo CapacitorUnknown CSE labNo PCDell Unknown CSE labNo BatteriesUnknown CSE labNo
Design Scheme
Purpose: –to measure the rotation angle of the Etank Requirements: –Power consumption: 5V (+/- 0.25V) –Maximum data frequency: 1 MHz Data interpretation in binary mode: HeaderMSB…LSB Electronic Compass Vector 2X = 172 °
Compass: –Operates in slave mode –Performs I/O in binary format PIC: –Provides the clock for the compass –Receive interrupt from EOC –Reads data from SDO –Resets compass –Polls data periodically from the compass Compass – PIC Interface
Purpose: –To provide a communication channel between the remote and the central component of the Etank Requirements: –Power Consumption: 2.7V - 3.5V –Operation Frequency: Internal clock with MHz radio frequency –RS232 serial communication port with bps RF Packet format: RF Transceiver Packet Format To/FromMess. IDMess. SizeSOTMess. TypeMess. BodyEOT Number of Bytes Range of Value h32h01-h07h01-h32h02 Sonar: h31 Compass: h32 …h03
RF Transceiver: –Communicates using RS232 protocol with peripheral devices (PIC and XSV-300) PIC: –Periodically retrieves data from the compass and the sonar –Encodes them separately into specific format that RF requires –Sends them to RF for transmission RF Transceiver – PIC Interface
Oscillator: –Provides the clock for PIC (20 MHz) Oscillator – PIC Interface
Purpose: –To measure the distance of objects from 6 inches to 35 feet away. The accuracy is +/-1% of the reading over the entire range Components: –Polaroid 6500 Ranging Module –Transducer –Cable Requirement: –Power Consumption: 4.5V – 6.8V –Operation Frequency: 49.4 KHz Sonar Ranging Kit
Sonar-PIC Interface Sonar: –Operates in single-echo mode. –Transmits sound wave and gets the echo reflected off of the border. PIC: –Triggers the input signal of the sonar module and turn on its timer at the same time. –Receives the interrupt from sonar and turns off the timer. –Calculates the distance of Etank to the border using the response delay.
Purpose: –Central component that arbitrates the system Requirements: –Power Consumption: 9.0V –Operation Frequency: 25 MHz –I/O Pin voltage level: 5.0 V XSV-300 board
Receives a destination from the user as a (command, units) pair –A command can be move forward, turn right or turn left. –Destination units are specified as turn angles or distance units. When a new destination is received, XSV will decode data from Etank and determine how to control the tank. –If it was commanded to move forward, the units are interpreted as distance units –If it was commanded to turn, the units are interpreted as turning angles. Receives (distance, direction) pair information from Etank at a constant rate. XSV-300 Operation
XSV-300 board: –Receives data from Etank through the RF serial port. –Serial Signal is +/- 12 V, but XSV operates at 0-5 V –To make the serial signal operate in the positive range, we use the signal to switch a transistor which is connected across the remote control’s 9V battery. –We reduce the 9V to 5V with a voltage divider. RF Transceiver – XSV-300 Board
PC -- XSV Remote Control Interface PC: –Sends to XSV-300 board one set of instructions at a time: Forward, distance Backward, distance Left, angle Right, angle XSV-300 board: –Processes the data received from the remote component -Controls the remote control using four pins
Etank’s Remote Control Channels Channels: -Four output bits control the channel -Each bit controls a channel as shown below: Command LBRBLFRF Move Forward 0011 Move Backward 1100 Turn Left 1001 Turn Right 0110
Will be a GUI application that allows a user to send instruction to Etank Will be programmed in C++ Will communicate through the parallel port using the DLportIO.lib and DLportIO.dll interfaces, which we studied in CSE467 User Interface
Tank: –The compass determines position at the rate of 5Hz, which is too slow comparing to the speed of the tank Between XSV-300 board and RF Transceiver: –A glitch appears in the beginning of the RF packet Design Issue
To be completed: Current Status Completed: Integrating compass, sonar and RF protocols Implementing a user interface application for the Etank Interfacing the remote and the central components via RF Debugging the system and finalizing the design Ordering caps and gowns for the graduation party!!! Protocol to control the Compass using the PIC Protocol to control the Sonar using the PIC Protocol to control the RF using the PIC Protocol to move/turn the Etank using XSV-300 and the remote control Protocol to communicate with XSV-300 via serial and parallel interfaces Integrating RF with the XSV-300
Parts list Implementation –Remote components oElectronic Compass oRadio Frequency Module oOscillator oSonar Ranging Module –Central Components oXSV-300 oRemote Control oUser Interface Design Issues Current Status Summary