HTML HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is used in making the base of a Website You can just use an online website maker like but its more fun to learn to code your own Website. Let’s Get started.
HTML An HTML Document must be started with the line of code: this line of code tells the computer that this is an HTML file. When a line of code inside the greater of or less than signs that means this line of code is a tag and usually can do different things depending on the line of code you put inside the tag.
HTML Now let’s create a HelloWorld program. A HelloWorld program Is like a starter of an app/website that can give you ideas or you can test lines of code or different tags.
HTML Type in: HelloWorld
HTML That Program is simple and just prints the word HelloWorld on the screen. But you shouldn’t just type in the word because it can interfere with your code. You Should use the tag which is the paragraph tag.
HTML Paragraph tag Example: HelloWorld
HTML You always need to close the paragraph tag or your syntax will have an error and your code won’t work Your syntax is the way you open and close your tags and using quotation marks the right way HelloWorld Now you can add text to your screen the right way
HTML If your paragraph goes on for to long and you need it to go onto a new line but when you close the tag and start a new one it will still be on the same line. You need to use the tag which is the break tag and goes to the next line Unlike most tags you do not need to close this tag
HTML tag Example: HelloWorld HelloWorld
HTML Now to teach you how to center lines of text Just do the tag and then your paragraph tag and then close your paragraph tag and next close your center tag Now your text should be centered
HTML Center Example: HelloWorld
HTML Now you can also make text bold using the tag but make sure you close the bold tag or every word you put on the screen will come out bold
HTML Bold Example: HelloWorld
HTML Now to put images on the screen using a web link (known as a URL) You need to use the line of code: And that should display some images on the screen
HTML Now for hyperlinks which are basically just lines of text that when you click it takes you somewhere Hyperlink Code
HTML Now for the last thing how to change the background color and add a title and the body and head tags For a title you need the tag and inside the tag you need to type the tag and following the tag you can make your title now don’t forget to close the tags
HTML Head and title example: HelloWorld
HTML Now for your body which most of your text goes in you need the tag Now you can put most of your code in the body of your program
HTML Examples of body: HelloWorld
HTML Now you probably have a nice HelloWorld program but you want to change the background color so just use the tag and don’t forget to close it when your done
HTML Style tag examples (changing the BODY background color) body{background-color:color goes here}
HTML Here is a list of some commonly used colors 1)Cyan 2)Blue 3)Green 4)Red 5)Yellow 6)Orange 7)Purple
HTML Now my challenge for you is to try to make your own HelloWorld program using the code you learned from this presentation This presentation can be downloaded from Thank You!