Spelling Test 7 Test on Friday, October 16
Accept – v. to receive I was so happy to accept her gift. Except – preposition. with the exclusion of. I don’t like any candy except chocolate.
Affect – v. to influence or change. My vote will affect the outcome. Effect – n. result What was the effect of my decision?
Beside – prep. Close to or next to. Is there a table beside the bed? Besides – adv. Except for; in addition Who is coming besides you and me?
Capital – n. major city or primary Albany is the capital of New York. Capitol – n. a government building. I sat on the steps of the capitol.
Its – pronoun. The possessive form of it. The dog chased its tail. It’s – Contraction for it is or it has. It’s so funny to watch!
Principal – n. administrator of a school. Our school has a new principal. Principle – n. moral conviction or basic truth. Theft is a matter of principle.
Sense – n. perception or understanding. The odor assaulted my sense of smell. Since – adv. Indication of past time; because. It’s been stinky ever since gym class.
Than – conjunction. Compared to. Chloe is faster than Hailey. Then – adv. At that time; next I went to the store and then the bank.
They’re – contraction form of they are. They’re thrilled with the job he did. Their – pronoun. Possessive form of they. The couple wanted their yard mowed. There – adv. In that place. The yard man was there at noon.
Whose – contraction for who is. Who’s going to find out? Whose – pronoun. Possessive for of who. Whose jacket is on the chair?
You’re – contraction for you are. You’re going to have to clean it now. Your – pronoun. Possessive for you. Get your shoes off of the table!