R EPORT WRITING Purpose Help the reader understand a situation and make a decision on any action that may be necessary to improve matters 1
C ATEGORIES OF REPORT 1. Routine reports - Periodic reports (at regular intervals- daily, weekly, monthly, annually) 2. Special reports - information reports (To inform) - analytical reports (To analyze and provide recommendation for actions) 2
T HE REPORT WRITING PROCESS 1. Before you write What is the purpose? Who is going to read the report? What do I need to accomplish? 3
T HE REPORT WRITING PROCESS 2. Compile data Depending on the nature of the report - Questionnaires - Testing - Observations - Interviews - Quotations - Inspections 4
T HE REPORT WRITING PROCESS 3. Produce a draft Standard headings: 1. Terms of reference 2. Procedure 3. Findings 4. Conclusions 5. Recommendations 5
T HE REPORT WRITING PROCESS 4. Finalise your report Edit and make sure it meets the objectives 6
T IPS FOR BETTER BUSINESS REPORTS Classify the findings under headings and sub- headings. Be consistent in your presentation and spacing. Be concise, keep to the point and avoid long explanations. Make sure that the information is accurate and all the reasoning valid. Use third person and reported speech in formal reports, using full sentences. 7