How to run source code For scxml visual editor tool Author : Gui Xun Long
Step 1: get environment I suggest that you use eclipse, due to this project need GMF support, so you eclipse must support GMF, in fact, you can get proper Eclipse for this project here : es/eclipse-modeling-tools-includes- incubating-components/ganymeder
Step 2: import source code You can get source code for SVN address here: ndbox/gsoc/2010/scxml-eclipse/trunk ndbox/gsoc/2010/scxml-eclipse/trunk Dowload all four projects: org.apache.commons.scxml.modeling org.apache.commons.scxml.modeling.diagra m org.apache.commons.scxml.modeling.edit org.apache.commons.scxml.modeling.editor
Step 3:Run
Run project org.apache.commons.scxml.modeling.edit or as Eclipse Applcation
Step 4: add a SCXML modeling file In the running Eclipse environment, click menu “new”, select more,and select “Modeling diagrma ” Examples folder
Step 4: add a SCXML modeling file
Step 5: edit SCXML diagram content
You can edit SCXML diagram in this editor, use tools in palette tool bar, create states, execute content and data model.
Step 6: SCXML document export Continue…. This part will come true soon, I am working on it
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