NCLB: The Trojan Horse of the 21 st Century: Will It Be Put to Pasture? History, Opinions and Updates of Robert C. McCracken
Presentation Goals Present History of NCLB Present Thoughts and Opinions Present Update Status
NCLB and Teaching First here are some mandatory lessons about teaching!
Pre-Assessment What do the letters NCLB stand for in respect to a federal program? Is NCLB a new program? Who is in control of education, states or the federal government? NCLB has the ability to declare a school as a failed school? True or False
Pre- Assessment What is the term and measurement of a school success under NCLB? What are penalties if a school does not meet the expectations of NCLB? Can a teacher lose their job as a result of NCLB expectations? Can the state take over a school that does not meet the expectations of NCLB?
Pre- Assessment Will AYP be determined the same at the end of this current school year? Who can change or amend the current law and regulations contained in NCLB? T/F: We are sure of what Schools will be required to meet AYP? What is the biggest “concern” of schools for making AYP this year in Virginia
Some History History: Title I, Chapter I and ESEA Trojan Horse Example First Benchmark: Highly Qualified Paraprofessionals Next Benchmark: First set of data regarding schools failing to make Adequate Yearly Progress
Some History State Accountablility: AKA as “Workbooks” Virginia’s “Workbook”; timeline issues First Set of Data release: Virginia’s Issues Data Sets: Disaggregated Data What does that mean?
Required Pass Rates (percent) Language Arts/Reading Passrates % Mathematics %
Some History In Virginia: SOL test results Beginning in Grades 3, 5, 8 and End of Course (English and Math - Guess what else use to be included?) At the end of ; 4 and 7 Addition of mathematics to middle school grades Science in middle school and high school Attendance Graduation Rates
Some History the Nation: All the same subgroups In Implementation Goals of NCLB 100% All Subgroups by 2014 Virginia first goals: 58 Math and 61 English Failure of ANY subgroup at any time MEANS “Failure to Make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)”
Some History Highly Qualified Professional Staff Development: High Quality Staff Development School Improvement VaDOE Requirements and Funding Penalities: Failure to make AYP “Title I” and Non-Title I
Some History Supplemental Services School Choice Removal of Staff “responsible for the failure” Reconstitution of the school Reopen as a Charter School Virginia’s Requirement for Charter Schools
Some Opinion Relationship to Special Education i.e. “Highly Qualified” IF adjustments are not made, public schools as currently defined and as we know them, will begin to disappear in 2014 What is the intent of the political agenda to implement Charter Schools and or Vouchers? What is the outcome of implementation of Charter Schools and Vouchers?
Some Opinion IF adjustments are not made, public schools as currently defined and as we know them, will begin to disappear in 2014 What is the intent of the political agenda to implement Charter Schools and or Vouchers? What is the outcome of implementation of Charter Schools and Vouchers?
NCLB and Testing TESTING????
Currents Status/Update What happened this year that is changing how NCLB will work with this year’s data? What happened last week that is changing how NCLB will work with this year’s data? Who changed the AYP data measures?
Currents Status/Update Who also can change the entire law? Is Virginia going to change? What does that change do to earning AYP? What “new” test is Virginia concerned about regarding SOL test data? Why? Virginia’s Request for Change Virginia’s Request for Change
Additional Discussion If you would like to have discussion about NCLB, a blog has been established for you to share your thoughts.
Questions / Comments Remember the importance of data! Remember the importance of data! Questions Comments Thoughts Action Plans?