Brachial Plexus
Long Thoracic Nerve Roots? C5,6 +7 Innervates? Serratus Anterior Cause? Stabbing Axillary surgery Presentation? Winging
Erbs Palsy Damage to C5 & C6 Cause Stab wound Motor cycle accident Forceps delivery at birth Nerves affected = SLAMD Suprascapular, lateral pectoral, axillary, musculocutaneous and dorsal scapular. Presentation Waiters tip Medially rotated shoulder (loss of supra/infraspinatus = unopposed medial rotation) Loss of shoulder contour (loss of deltoid) Pronated forearm (loss of biceps brachii) Partial wrist drop (loss of extensor carpi radialis) Anaesthesia (C5/6 dermatome)
Klumpke’s Palsy Damage to C8 & T1 Caused by Upward traction of upper limb i.e. fall and grab Pancoast tumour Nerves Ulnar Median Presentation Paralysis and wasting of all small muscles of the hand (mostly ulnar) Clawing of digits 2-5 at rest (unopposed extension at MCP joint and flexion at IP joint) Anaesthesia Medial elbow, forearm and arm