Cerebrum Central Sulcus Occipital Lobe Cerebellum Medulla Oblongata Parietal Lobe Frontal Lobe Temporal Lobe
Pre-Central Gyrus (Primary Motor Cortex) Post-Central Gyrus (Primary Somatosensory Cortex) Broca’s Area (Motor Speech Cortex) Primary Auditory Cortex Gyri seperated by Sulci
Pineal Gland Third Ventricle & Thalamus Fornix Hypothalamus Optic Chiasm Hypophysis (Pituitary Gland) Medulla Oblongata Mammillary Body (Part of Hypothalamus) Corpora Quadridgemina Occipital Lobe 11 Corpus Callosum
Hippocampus Sulci Gyri Cerebral White Matter Cerebral Gray Matter Lateral Ventricle Medulla Oblongata PonsOptic Chiasm Olfactory Lobe
Medulla Oblongata Cerebellum Pons Cerebral Peduncle Hypophysis (Pituitary Gland) Optic Chiasm Temporal Lobe Olfactory Lobe Frontal Lobe
Fornix Corpus Callosum Parietal Lobe Occipital Lobe Choroid Plexus (3 rd Ventricle) Pineal Gland Corpora Quadridgemina Arbor Vitae of Cerebellum 4 th ventricle Pons Cerebral Aqueduct Midbrain Hypophysis (Pituitary Gland) Optic Chiasm Hypothalamus Thalamus
Lateral Ventricles Basal Ganglia (Caudate Nucleus) Left Insula Optic Chiasm Left Cerebral Peduncle 8 Pons Medulla Oblongata Left Lateral Ventricle
Pineal Gland Right Internal Capsule Colliculi Basal Ganglia (Caudate Nucleus) Left side of Thalamus Superioir Cerebral Peduncles Right Middle Peduncle 4 th Ventricle Medulla Oblongata
Lateral Ventricles 2 Choroid Plexus 3rd Ventricle 4th Ventricle Cerebral Aqueduct Interventricular Foramen
Lateral Ventricles 3 rd Ventricle Choroid Plexus 4th Ventricle 2 5
Lateral Ventricles Choroid Plexus Cerebral Aqueduct Interventricular Foramen 2
Dorsal Root Ganglion Dorsal Root of Spinal Nerve Dura Mater Arachnoid Membrane & Subarachnoid Space Pia Mater Gray Matter Spinal Nerve Ventral Ramus of Spinal Nerve Vertebral Artery (in Transverse Foramen) White Matter Ventral Root of Spinal Nerve
Pia Mater Dorsal Root of Spinal Nerve Dorsal Root Ganglion Spinal Nerve Ventral Ramus Dorsal Ramus Sympathetic Chain Ganglion Vertebral Artery (in Transverse Foramen)
Brachial Plexus Phrenic Nerve Cervical Plexus Sternocleidomastoid Superior Cervical Ganglion of Sympathetic Chain Pons Optic Chiasm Olfactory Bulb Frontal Lobe of Cerebrum Left Cerebral Peduncle Cervical Spinal Nerves (C 1 – C 8 )
Right Sympathetic Chain Ganglia Intercostal Nerve Brachial Plexus Internal & External Intercostal Muscles Thoracic Spinal Nerves (T 1 – T 12 )
Right Iliacus with Obturator Nerve Right Psoas Major 12 th Thoracic Vertebra and Rib Conus Medullaris Cuada Equina Lumbar Plexus Femoral Nerve Sacral Plexus 5 th Lumbar Vertebra 1 st Sacral Vertebra Cut Edge of Dural Sac Sciatic Nerve
Brachial Plexus Radial Nerve Median Nerve Ulnar Nerve
1 2 Median Nerve Ulnar Nerve
1 2 Sacral Plexus Femoral Nerve
1 2 3 Sciatic Nerve Common Peroneal Nerve Posterior Tibial Nerve