Your Family Took a trip to Norway over the summer, and you have been asked to give a report on your travels. The one-page report you typed up needs to be edited and finalized before you present the paper to the class.
To Access the Test File Go To My Website- Forms NORWAY DOCUMENT
Open the file: Norway.doc Save the document as: XXX-NorwayTrip.doc with XXX being your INITIALS
Add Text To The Document 1.At the end of the first paragraph, add the following numbered list: Reindeer Fish Birds Owls Rabbits Elk
Add A Header and Footer 1.Add a Header and Footer to the Document. 2.In the Header, add your name to the left side, period in the center, and today’s date on the right side. 3.Add a page number to the right side of the footer.
Format The Document 1.Change the Heading of the Document as follows: a.Change the font to ARIAL. b.Change the font size to 24 point. c.Apply the BOLD Font Style. d.CENTER the heading on the page
Format The Document 2.Select the list of animals at the end of the first paragraph and change it to a bulleted list. 3.Select the Flag of Norway in the middle of the document. Delete it to make room for the Viking picture at the bottom of the page. 4.Apply the Marching Red Ants effect to all instances of the word Norway.
Use Spell Check 1.Run a spell check on the document. 2.Change the misspelled word Amezing. 3.Ignore all other suggestions.