Kronos Information for DU Supervisors: Removing and Modifying Approved Leave Time
For this training, we will delete and modify the requests that you approved in a prior lesson. You can only delete and modify approved time off requests for the current pay period and any time in the future. You cannot modify requests for time off for a pay period that has closed. Click on Schedule Editor to continue.
To edit the vacation on 9/16/2015 that was approved for Employee 1 select the employee.
Click the drop down menu for the Time Period.
Select Specific Date.
Select the drop down box.
Select September 16, 2015.
Click OK.
Right click on Vacation 8.0 in the row for Employee 1 to see the options available. Here you can Delete or Edit the approved vacation. For this training select Edit and then select Pay Code.
To adjust the vacation hours to 4 hours, enter 4.0 in the Amount field.
Then, select OK.
Here, you can verify that the vacation hours have changed to 4.0 hours. Select Save.
Notice on the Timecard for Employee 1, Vacation for 9/16/2015 has been changed to 4.0 hours.
This concludes “Removing and Modifying Approved Leave Time”.