GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/02 GRIDSTART and European activities Dr Francis Wray EPCC The University of Edinburgh
GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/02 What is GRIDSTART? Accompanying Measure (cluster) project The project partners are Coordinating Partners of established EU Grid projects: AVO, CROSSGRID, DAMIEN, DATAGRID, DATATAG, EGSO, EUROGRID, GRIA, GRIDLAB and GRIP GRIDSTART is looking to expand the cluster to involve new EU Grid projects
GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/02 GRIDSTART Objectives (1) Consolidation of EU advances in the GRID in both technical work and development of standards; Encourage interaction amongst similar activities; Make EU GRID projects aware of each other and of other projects around world; Get projects talking and sharing ideas/issues/tools and so avoid reinventing the wheel.
GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/02 GRIDSTART Objectives (2) Stimulate the early take-up of Grid technologies by industry and research; Encourage Grid applications to move from the testbed to use by early adopters in industry; Disseminate the benefits of the GRID to industry; Inform all potentially interested parties what’s on the horizon? how can it help them in their research or business.
GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/02 GRIDSTART Dissemination Principal dissemination mechanisms are: – Newsletters (GRID, technical, business); – An extensive website; – Press stream, Flyers and Posters; – Participation at events. An important role of GRIDSTART is to: –support EU Grid projects in their dissemination activities (templates, advice and other resources)
GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/02 Gridstart Background European Commission funded Grid projects very early –€15 million in 2000, €20 million in 2001 –10 projects funded and running to date –8 more 2002 under negotiation –Many have a strong scientific focus –EPCC leads the GRIDSTART cluster project with goals of: maximising impact of EU Grid projects consolidation of technical advances providing a coherent European voice
GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/02 Pre-2001 projects (1) 3 projects pre-2001 –DAMIEN 5 partners Middleware building blocks for simulation and visualisation CAE (aerospace) and industrial simulations –DATAGRID 21 partners European scale testbed and middleware development Particle physics, Earth observation and Biology
GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/02 Pre-2001 projects (2) –EUROGRID 11 partners Testbed linking EU HPC centres with industry Biology, Meteorology, Industrial design, ASP Total funding of €15 million in 2000
GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/02 2001 projects(1) 7 projects in 2001 –CROSSGRID 21 partners Grid infrastructure component development Large CERN centric project –DATATAG 4 partners Transatlantic Grid networking testbed CERN networking focus
GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/ 2001 projects (2) –EGSO 10 partners European Solar Observatory virtual archive Strong focus on astronomy –GRIA 5 partners Testbed for industrial applications – focus on eBusiness One of the most commercially focused projects
GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/ 2001 projects (3) –GRIDLAB Application toolkit for simulation codes 11 partners Dynamic exploitation of resources –GRIP Interoperability between UNICORE and GLOBUS 7 partners Increasing interest in UNICORE Total funding €20 million in 2001
Brussels 20/9/ 2002 projects(1) 9 projects in 2002 (last call of FP5) –FLOWGRID Establishment of a CFD virtual organisation using GRID infrastructure 6 partners –OPENMOLGRID Development of a unified environment for solving molecular design/engineering tasks 5 partners
GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/ 2002 projects (2) –GRACE Development of a just-in-time distributed search and categorization engine 6 partners (including CERN) –COG Use of Grid technologies in industry. Ontologies of modelling of data in dispersed locations. 4 partners
GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/ 2002 projects (3) –MOSES Enabling content providers to build modular and scalable Knowledge Grid management tools 7 partners –GEMSS Testbed for medical computing and resource/service provision in a clinical environment. 10 partners
GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/ 2002 projects (4) –BIOGRID Perform a trial for the introduction of the Grid approach in biotechnology industry. 6 partners –SELENE Bridging the gap between semantic web technology and peer-to-peer computing. 5 partners
GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/ 2002 projects (5) –MAMMOGRID Using Grid technology to develop an EU-wide database of mammograms. 12 partners We hope to cluster these new projects with GRIDSTART - discussions are ongoing.
GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/ Gridstart Status Project started on 1 April, 2002 (3 years); Vigorous standards and technical activities; First plenary meeting held on 25 July, 2002; Extensive website live since 1 August 2002; First dissemination material available; First newsletters in preparation; Possibility of a global role.
GRIDSTART Brussels 20/9/ Conclusions Europe has a rich landscape of GRID projects involving many disciplines; GRIDSTART already provides an active, polyvalent focus for a growing core of projects; GRIDSTART’s success depends on: –Involving a critical mass of EU activities; –Broadening its scope to influence global activities.