Example mapping of KNX to oneM2M base Ontology MAS-2015-0618 Example mapping of KNX to oneM2M base Ontology Group Name: MAS#19 Source: Joerg Swetina, NEC, joerg.swetina@neclab.eu Meeting Date: 2015-09-07 Agenda Item: <agenda item topic name>
The KNX system KNX (by KNX Association) provides control technology for home and building applications Devices implement “Distributed Applications” Based on Datapoints that are grouped into Functional Blocks One or more functional blocks form a device Datapoints Represent process and control variables in the system May be: Inputs, Outputs, parameters, diagnostic data, … MAS-2015-0618
The KNX system (II) Functional blocks group a number of inputs, outputs and parameters. For this combination, a mandatory function description is provided Functional block of one or more devices are addressed as “group objects”, using multicast group addressing or individual device addresses MAS-2015-0618
Example: a KNX dimmer Functional Block – Dimming Actuator Basic (has been standardized). It contains DPTs: Switch, DPT 1.001 Relative dimming, DPT 3.007 Absolute dimming, DPT 5.001 MAS-2015-0618
DPT 1.001: 1 Bit DTP for on/off MAS-2015-0618
DPT 3.007: 3 Bit DTP with Control Note: similar DPT 3.008 (also 4 bit: B1U3) is called “DPT_Control_Blinds” MAS-2015-0618
DPT 5.001: 8 Bit unsigned value MAS-2015-0618
Mapping KNX ontology into base ontology “is-a” relationship between base ontology and “KNX ontology” “Dimming actuator basic” is-a Device Service: “default” Functionality: “dimming-control” refers to Aspect: “Electricity-Current” Operations DPT 1.001 DPT 3.007 DPT 5.001 Commands Switch Relative Dimming Absolute Dimming MAS-2015-0618
E.g.: command “relative dimming” operation DPT 3.007 Input InputBit4 hasDataTypeAndRange: Binary InputBits1-3 hasDataTypeAndRange: Integer [>=0, <=7] (no output) OperationState The dimmer itself does not provide state information The IPE could provide state of interworking (see next slide) MAS-2015-0618
KNX interworking via IPE IPE proxies KNX Device into proxied Device Middle Node KNX Device Area Network Interworking Proxy Entity (IPE) CRUDN AE <AE> of proxied device Mca <AE> IPE could provide interworking specific operation state info: "Operation_Initiated", "Operation_Input_ received", "Operation_Ended" MN-CSE attribute attribute <container> <container> For data (e.g. state-information) For commands For input/output parameters For state info <container> <container> MAS-2015-0618