OPENER! What, in your experience, is something people (in general) never regret doing?
GRADES Most of your unit 6 grades / discussion board scores have been posted! Remember to alert me if you have turned in any late work so that I know to go back and look for / grade it. Remember to alert me if you have turned in any late work so that I know to go back and look for / grade it.
INTERVIEW coming up! UNIT 8 Interviews are due in 1 short week! - Check out the assignment / interview questions if you haven’t done so already - Make sure you get the interview scheduled ASAP if it has not been done already - Remember that you will also have an essay on your interview experience to put together after it is completed.
GOALS, VALUES & MOTIVATION Share with the group what goals you have for your short term and / or long term future?
Goals, Values, Motivation (cont.) What will motivate you to complete these goals?
Goals, Values, Motivation (cont.) HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION: If you were responsible for tag-teaming with me one night for a mini-seminar / discussion about the importance of getting a college degree (or having an educational goal), what things might you share with this group of adolescents?
Goals, Values, Motivation (cont.) How would you say your previous experiences in school have ENCOURAGED or DISCOURAGED you? Discuss these things here for a minute…
Goals, Values, Motivation (cont.) What obstacles have you, yourself, overcome to get to where you are in your education and to have the career goals that you now have?
CONNECTION POINT! Now, let’s turn our attention to the critical connection between goals, values and motivation!... GOALS + VALUES + MOTIVATION = ???
CONNECTION (cont.) “Motivation, goals, and circumstance are all related to success. You can increase the odds of your success by first, defining what is important to you, establishing goals based on these values, desires, and beliefs, and finally, tailoring your achievement expectations to match your circumstances.” What does this quote say to YOU?? Read it carefully and share YOUR thoughts!
Connection (cont.) THE “SUPERMAN” and “SUPERWOMAN” Syndrome… Overcompensating? Not Realistic? Worried it won’t get done – “right”?? CHANGE can bring about the BEST growth…
Connection, (cont.) QUESTION A: Have you known others who have been an inspiration to you when it comes to making changes because they themselves were faced with the need to pick themselves up and press on – despite their circumstances?
Connection, (cont.) QUESTION B: Answering honestly, did these same people demonstrate BALANCE in their lives (setting priorities, boundaries, recognizing what “matters” in life?) If yes, how? If no, why do you think not?
Connection, (cont.) GOALS and ACHIEVEMENTS are *wonderful* things. BUT…no success is a true success if it destroys an important part of who you are and what you subscribe to. Your VALUES and BELIEFS will help to determine “what fits where”!
UNIT 7 WRAP-UP… Make a genuine effort in the discussion area this week! I see improvement in your responses, gang – keep it up! Make a genuine effort in the discussion area this week! I see improvement in your responses, gang – keep it up! Work to secure your interviewee for your unit 9 assignment – you can do the interview at any time now (the sooner the better)!! Work to secure your interviewee for your unit 9 assignment – you can do the interview at any time now (the sooner the better)!!
QUESTIONS??? Have a MARVELOUS week, class!!! Have a MARVELOUS week, class!!!