BFI Upper Austria 1 HAMBURG 17/20.05.2015.


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Presentation transcript:

BFI Upper Austria 1 HAMBURG 17/

Austrian apprenticeship training was founded  in 1869 (Gewerbeordnung) the dual system  in

The Dual System in AUSTRIA 3

Highlights from regional report: The main principle of vocational training and experiences in every kind of school-work alternance 4 the end of compulsory schooling The regular way to the apprenticeship 3, 3,5 or 4 years educational, vocational and personal guidance school of production vocational guidance and counselling apprenticeship examination The VET way only for adults – 18 month The VET way only for adults – 18 month Integrative VET Training VET Training „Du kannst was“

Wilhelm Hinterberger, MBA VET Training for young peoples Career Guidane Vocational Training 1st year of apprenticeship Vocational Training 2nd year of apprenticeship Vocational Training 3rd year of apprenticeship Vocational Training 4rd year of apprenticeship Final apprenticeship examination Vocational school Vocational training real-life working 5

Wilhelm Hinterberger, MBA skilled-worker training Career Guidane 18 mouths experience Vocational Training Final apprenticeship examination Vocational training real-life working 6

Assessment of costs and benefits (from human, social, educational, economical and labour market point of view) 7 How is apprenticeship training financed? The regular way to the apprenticeship via the training enterprises apprentices are entitled to receive an apprenticeship remuneration regulated by collective bargaining agreements VET Training for young peoples by the Public Employment Service Austria (AMS) skilled-worker training financed by the worker´s – promotet by the regional governments Expenses for the school-based section are borne by the public sector. Expenses for the teaching staff at part-time vocational schools are split between the federal and regional governments with 50% each. School construction and equipment costs are borne by regional governments.

Assessment of costs and benefits (from human, social, educational, economical and labour market point of view) 8 Costs – real apprenticeship training Personnel costs of trainees of which: training allowances/apprentice subsidies Statutory social benefits Standard rate or voluntary social benefits Personnel costs of trainers Plant and equipment costs Machinery and labs for training that meet statutory job descriptions Teaching and learning materials and media, fees to relevant bodies, specialist and protective clothing, external training, training management (For example: Individual costs? For a technical apprenticeship covering a training period of 3.5 years, this will be around € ⅔ apprentice subsidy, ⅓ training costs. The total cost for training for commercial vocations are much less)

Assessment of costs and benefits (from human, social, educational, economical and labour market point of view) 9 The regular way to the apprenticeship 3, 3,5 or 4 years The VET way only for adults – 18 month The VET way only for adults – 18 month Integrative VET Training VET Training „Du kannst was“ – only education Costs by apprenticeship

Assessment of costs and benefits (from human, social, educational, economical and labour market point of view) 10 Benefits The benefits of dual training in a company lies in part in the high quality of education acquired, which the trainees gain by the end of their training through their vocational ability. This is reflected in the work experience and the development of vocational skills. Through the transfer of trainees to full employment, a benefit accrues to a company that is also highly esteemed by experts. According to the classical theory of human capital an additional, operational benefit arises through the transfer of a company trained apprentice, who has skills that are highly specific to the operations.

Assessment of costs and benefits (from human, social, educational, economical and labour market point of view) 11 Other benefits Elimination of recruitment costs: These are eliminated with the transfer of trainees into full employment, as advertising costs and interviews can be dispensed with. Familiarisation periods: These occur when external skilled recruits need to go through a learning curve for specific operational tasks. For company trainees familiarisation is eliminated, as with planned transfer learning for the future place of work is frequently incorporated into training. Staff turnover and absenteeism: The risk of hiring the wrong person with external skilled personnel is substantially reduced by the transfer of company trainees. Downtime costs through skill shortages: With relatively low training levels, a structural shortage of skilled workers can occur. This can only be compensated for by overtime of the existing skilled workers. In the worst case scenario, this also leads to the restriction on acceptance of orders.

Assessment of costs and benefits (from human, social, educational, economical and labour market point of view) 12 Additional benefits In addition to vocational skills young people develop a professional and corporate identity. This very commonly shows itself in a high commitment to the company and the development of a work ethic, in terms of intrinsic motivation and professional and business ethics. Companies that continue to place emphasis on the education of their young professionals in the future will realise the advantages and benefits of dual vocational training; perhaps not in strict economic terms over the short term, but certainly over the long-term and on a sustainable basis.

The capacity (or the potential) of carrying out in partnership between the government, chambers (commerce, crafts etc…) local interests group for business, the business community (enterprises, work agencies) and schools 13

The capacity to create a solid basis for shared and common decisions and design 14 Core content dimensions – Seven success factors

Assessment of the success and failure factors (fundings, human resources, social acceptance and every other factor considered important for the analysis) 15 Success Apprenticeship training is a practice-oriented form of training, with 80% of the training duration taking place at the company (i.e. in the business sphere). 40% of the total Austrian labour force have completed an apprenticeship as their highest formal education. Some 35% of apprenticeship graduates work as corporate managers, nearly 50% are active as managers of small enterprises in the business sphere. Lehre/Lehre/Ausbildungsqualitaet/Qualitaet_Lehre.pdf

Assessment of the success and failure factors (fundings, human resources, social acceptance and every other factor considered important for the analysis) 16 Failure factors young women in apprenticeships with a low proportion of women (share of female apprentices in the total number of apprentices in the previous training year below 40%) especially disadvantaged apprenticeship post seekers (such as young people who have mental or physical disabilities or emotional problems, learning deficits, or who are socially maladjusted) young people who never finished their compulsory school demographic development

Assessment of the success and failure factors (fundings, human resources, social acceptance and every other factor considered important for the analysis) 17 Failure factors young women in apprenticeships with a low proportion of women (share of female apprentices in the total number of apprentices in the previous training year below 40%) especially disadvantaged apprenticeship post seekers (such as young people who have mental or physical disabilities or emotional problems, learning deficits, or who are socially maladjusted) young people who never finished their compulsory school demographic development