DATES: APRIL 25-29, 2016 Test Administration Schedule: Day 1 April 25- ELA Session 1: Research Simulation Task (90mins) Mathematics Session 1: No Calculator (60–90mins) Day 2 April 26- ELA Session 2: Literary Analysis Task or Narrative Writing Task (60–75mins) Mathematics Session 2: No Calculator (60–90mins) Day 3 April 27- ELASession 3: Reading Literary and Informational Texts (60–75mins) Mathematics Session 3: No Calculator (60–90mins) Day 4 April 28- Science Session 1: Multiple-Choice (60mins) Science Session 2: Task (30mins) Day 5 April 29- Make-Up Sessions
Math The LEAP mathematics assessment contains a total of 62 points. The table below shows the breakdown of task types and point values. Test SessionType I (points) Type II (points) Type III (points) Total points Session 1: no calculator Session 2: no calculator Session 3: no calculator123621
Question Formats: Multiple choice Multi-select Answer Grids Constructed response
Type I- tasks assess concepts, skills and procedures.
Type II- tasks assess ability to express mathematical reasoning.
Type III- tasks assess modeling and applications.
ELA Breakdown:
Research Simulation Task
Literary Analysis Task
Narrative Task
Writing task for Narrative
Informational Text Set
Structure of Science Test The test items reflect the benchmarks and focus on both the why and the implications of phenomena in science, rather than the focus on the what and specific facts or details.
Percentage of Points
The Task The task promotes science literacy through the use of discipline-specific practices to collect, apply, and communicate content knowledge. The task reflects the rigor of Louisiana’s content standards and applies English language arts standards for reading informational text (includes science and technical texts) and writing to a science context.
reading and comprehending grade-level complex text, including science and technical texts, independently and proficiently determining the main idea of a text and explaining how it is supported by key details describing the relationship between a series of scientific ideas, concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, cause and effect determining the meaning of domain-specific words and phrases in a text using information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, charts, graphs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text comparing and contrasting the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic providing a concluding statement or section
Structure of the Task four multiple-choice items one extended-response item. based on one or two stimulus materials. Requires students to provide a written response that will be scored using a 0-4 point rubric. asks students to incorporate science content knowledge with evidence from the stimulus materials.
Description of Stimulus Material The grade 4 test may incorporate the following types of stimulus material: an excerpt from a text-based source data tables or graphs presenting data to be read or interpreted charts, illustrations, or graphic organizers descriptions and details of science investigations maps showing geographical features
Task: Compare how electricity is generated using hydropower to how it is generated using coal.
Sample Student Exemplar Response Electrical power generation through hydropower begins with the kinetic energy of falling water while coal energy generation begins with the chemical energy found in coal. An intermediate stage in hydropower generation is floodgates opening to release the kinetic energy of falling water, but in coal energy generation the intermediate stage requires the coal being burned in a boiler to produce heat energy. In hydropower generation, turbine blades spin to convert kinetic energy to mechanical energy. In coal energy generation, steam from the heated water spins the turbine to convert heat energy to mechanical energy. The final step in both processes is similar. In the last step of both hydropower energy generation and coal energy generation, the generator uses a magnetic field to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. The two types of energy production are also different in other ways. Hydropower generation is a clean energy production process with no by-products that have to be treated, but coal energy transformation creates by- products that need to be treated. Hydropower generation also includes the ability to store energy in the form of dammed water, but the coal energy generation does not have that ability. More coal must be stored and added to the process. In conclusion, these two types of energy transformation are very different.