Toby Ahrens 27 Sept 2004 Linking Spatial Variability of Soil N Retention Mechanisms to Landscape-level Fates in Yaqui Valley, Mexico
The hook… Where do I want to be? Quantify degrees of N contamination under different management regimes Investigate the value of spatial data sets varying in resolution Probability of “dangerous” N application What do I need to get there? Link process and transport models Improve process models Include abiotic retention mechanisms
Yaqui Valley, Sonora, MX
Coastal eutrophication Declassified Keyhole satellite image March 8, 1978 (Beman, unpublished data)
Nitrate-contaminated groundwater <10 ppm ppm 116 ppm
Two Q’s guiding my efforts… What soil characteristics control N availability, retention and loss in OM- deficient ag soils? Can the spatial variability of retention-dominating characteristics be linked to aqueous N fates throughout the Valley?
Watershed-level aquifer vulnerability studies: not mechanistic… Watershed-level aquifer vulnerability studies use empirically-derived equations to predict leaching… Makes management extension hard! Process- and index-based models not spatially explicit Makes fate + transport link hard! RHESSys used similar reasoning for natural systems
Model schematic… soil properties NLOSS soil mineralogy crop yield (+N use) Solute transport un/saturated boundary conditions management unit crop type Output maps: Leaching vulnerability Aquifer contamination Coastal N sources groundwater depth
NLOSS Nitrification: hole-in-the-pipe sequence Denitrifier kinetics: double Monod Decomp: 3+ pools, not important to denit. Outputs: Leached N, trace gases Soil moisture: Solve Richard’s equation Accounts for macropore plow (using Bypass model of Eckersten and Jansson 1991) Mechanistic treatment of anaerobic fraction
NLOSS, cont’d No sorption or fixation NH4+ either taken up by plants, immobilized, or nitrified. Resolution in unsaturated zone needs to be 10 cm or less
Lee’s model…
Major modeling efforts: Soil submodel including sorption isotherms and mineral fixation Spatial data referencing Solute transport component to saturated hydrology model Saturated/unsaturated boundary layer conditions
What soil characteristics control N availability, retention and loss in OM- deficient ag soils? Can the spatial variability of retention-dominating characteristics be linked to aqueous N fates throughout the Valley? Two Q’s guiding my efforts…
Applied N: 250 kg/ha Plant uptake: 31% Leached: 2-5% (14-26%) Gaseous losses: NO+N 2 O: 2-5% NH 3 : __% N 2 : __% ? ? ? ? Drainage canals: NO NH 4 + : 2-5% NO+N 2 O: <0.1% References: Riley et al Harrison 2003 Matson et al Ortiz-Monasterio, pers. comm.
Adsorption Reactive N AbioticBiotic Fixation AEC CEC OM Clay minerals Q1: A series of field and lab experiments to identify the major pools, turnover rates and bioavailability of N…
Adsorption Reactive N AbioticBiotic Fixation AEC CEC OM Clay minerals Hypotheses… Q1: How much N is immobilized by abiotic vs. biotic processes during an irrigation event? H1: Abiotic mechanisms are significant sinks of ammonium due to moderate CECs, mineralogy, timing of N addition and low availability of labile C for heterotrophs… Study 1: Sterilize with HgCl 2 Add 15 N-(NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 Extract with KCl Dry and grind soils for 15 N analysis Methods: Johnson et al Wolf et al Preliminary data: Panek et al Riley et al Heterotrophs Nitrifiers Plant uptake Fungi/myc. Denitrifiers DNRA
Adsorption Reactive N AbioticBiotic Fixation AEC CEC OM Clay minerals Hypotheses… Methods: Philips 1999 Methods of Soil Analysis 1996 Preliminary data: Limon-Ortega et al Riley et al Study 2: CEC: expose soils to range of [NH 4 + ], centrifuge, filter and ion chromotography AEC: same, but use NO 3 - Kinetics: establish isotherms (also extract initial ions…) Q2: How much adsorbed N is associated is exchangeable? H2: The high pHs and presence of 2:1 Si-O clays results in moderate CEC and low AEC… CEC kinetics follow a Langmuir isotherm model… organic mineral
Adsorption Reactive N AbioticBiotic Fixation AEC CEC OM Clay minerals Hypotheses… Q3: What is the potential for soils to fix NH 4 +, and is there field evidence of fixation? H3: Soils are rich in montmorillinitic clays, and significant amounts of NH 4 + -N is associated with those minerals… Low OM concentrations leads to low OM-associated fixation Study 3: Mineralogy XRD: particle size sep, then dry slurry on glass slide… Spectroscopy in lab Fixed N Sequential dissolution: size sep then KCl, H 2 O 2, HF OK for labeled/sterile soil… Preliminary data: Osher, pers. comm. Enriquez et al Cade-Menun, unpub. data Methods: USDA 1996 Paramaasivam and Breitenbeck 2000
NH 4 + fixation in clay minerals Fixed and exchangeable NH 4 + in an illite (Stevenson et al., 1982)
Adsorption Reactive N AbioticBiotic Fixation AEC CEC OM Clay minerals Hypotheses… OM fraction Q4: Is there a potential for abiotic reactions between NO 2 - or NH x and SOM? H4: Chemodenitrification and NO 2 - rxns with OM not important due to pH. Don’t yet have an educated guess as to the OM fate of NH 4 +, but I don’t expect much to end up in limited OM… Study 4: OM N pools: steam distillation with acids and bases, recover NH 3 OK for labeled/sterile soil… Methods: Davidson et al Stevenson 1982,1996 Preliminary data: Riley et al. 2001
Aforementioned studies not exclusive… Largest pathways will be followed with more detailed studies… Clay mineral fixation: bioavailability or remineralization studies Biotic immobilization: heterotrophic vs nitrifiers, etc. OM fixation: NMR or mass spec to look at actual compounds involved in fixation
Future directions and broader implications… Does better spatial resolution increase our ability to predict SW/GW vulnerability? And the degree of how mechanistic submodels are? What is the probability of “dangerous” N application? Couple to economic optimization model following the Mastrandrea and Schneider (2004) method…
less weathered more weathered
Resolution of input data: Field based…
Resolution of input data: or NPP driven by remote sensing…
Timeline ’04 ’05 ’06 ‘07 Fall Win Spr Sum Fall Win Spr Sum Fall Win Spr Sum Fall Planning, cont’d XXX Field sampling XXX N pools + rates XXX Total C,N, etc. XXX Abiotic vs. biotic XXX CEC, AEC XX NH4 fixation XXX OM fixation XXX Modeling – submodel dev’t XXXXXXXXXX Multiple constraints – 15N? XXXXXXX 15N analyses XXXX Model completion XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Writing Plant vs. leached N XXXXX Spatial leaching vulnerability XXXXX Value of spatial process modelsXXXXX Dangerous N application XXXXX Graduate X
Ivan’s 1 st question: Triticales Durum Pasta
Riley et al. 2001…
Tractor-mounted hollow stem augers for subsoil sampling
Aquifer depth Addams, 2004
Clay content in shallow subsurface Figure 4 ‑ 28 Estimated fraction of clay in Layer 1 (“Shallow Horizon”). Estimated values for the cells of the model grid range between 0-1 and were interpolated from measurements at well locations (blue). Addams, 2004
Anticipated publications Controls on N availability to plants and N loss to surface and groundwater differ in an agricultural soil in Northwestern Mexico. Spatial variability of montmorillonite and management history explain contaminated groundwater distribution in an agricultural landscape in Northwestern Mexico. How mechanistic do process-based spatial models need to be to predict N fates at the landscape scale? What is the probability of “ dangerous ” N application in an irrigated wheat system in Northern Mexico?
Applied N: Plant uptake: Leached: Drainage canals: References: Panek et al δ 15 N
N oxidation states Davidson, 1991
Chapin et al, 2002
Major subsurface flowpaths Haag and Kaupenjohann, 2001
Corridors and retention zones Haag and Kaupenjohann, 2001
Lytropic series Al 3+ >H + >Ca 2+ >Mg 2+ >NH 4 + >K + >Na + PO 4 3- >SO 4 2- >Cl - >NO 3 -
26% of area not in wheat production
% of area not in wheat 26% in winter growing season (120 day growing season) ~80+% in non-winter growing season > 60% of the time, a given area is not is use for wheat production
Can what I’ve proposed get me there? N fates in soil + groundwater: Yes, with flexible approach… N to estuaries: will need collaboration with Adina’s lab N modeling Q’s: Yes, keep uncertainties explicit…