Writing an Abstract Rebecca Henry, Ph.D. OMERAD College of Human Medicine Michigan State University
Writing an Abstract Follow the directions Peak interest Be concise Highlight key findings Conclusions based on data presented
Common Problems Disorganized –follow directions or use basic format Too much information –stick to main question –ask someone to cut No data –note current status –mention planned analysis
Title Descriptive Informative Gives the answer –vs. teases/hints at it
Background and Purpose/Objective Background –1-2 sentences –Hook Purpose –study question –hypotheses (if applies)
Methods Single block (one paragraph) –study overview (design) –subjects –measures/instruments –analysis Structured –design, setting participants, main outcome measures, measurement (1-2 sentences each)
Results (one paragraph) Participation rate Key findings –or expected findings
Conclusion One To two sentences –highlight main finding –DO NOT speculate –Note unique feature –Indicate where this fits with literature (confirms others findings, needs confirmational)