Source: Mother’s Day Overview, Retail Insights Center, April 2015.
Source: Yahoo Bin
. 2014
. Source: Yahoo Bin Source: Microsoft internal data April 13, 2015 – May 10, 2015 and April 14, 2014 – May 11, 2014, search volume by device
. Source: Yahoo Bin
. Source: Y, 21ho Bin Mothers day gifts Flowers Jewelry Gift cards *Brand Gifts *Brand
. Source: Yahoo Bin
56M Total retail searchers Total retail searches 90M 725M Retail searchers not reached on Google
GreatBadInsufficient DataGood
OnlineDeals/DiscountsOnlineGiftsDelivery/Shipping DisplayURL StyleGifts Florists% Off Delivery/Shipping SuperlativeBrands DKI [Dynamic Keyword Insertion] DisplayURL OnlinePrice/PricingOnlineeCardsPrice/Pricing BrandsOnlineBrandsOnlineBrands DisplayURL Deals/Discounts Apparels DKI [Dynamic Keyword Insertion] Brands FlavorBrands DisplayURL FreeGiftsOnline DKI [Dynamic Keyword Insertion] Delivery/Shipping Call to ActionStyle/TypeWatchesStyle/Type DKI [Dynamic Keyword Insertion DisplayURL Call to Action Online
% Off DisplayURL StyleOnline Delivery/shippingPrice/pricing DisplayURL OnlineCards Brands DisplayURL Deals/discountsApparel FreeFlavor DisplayURL Gifts Style/typeCall to action DisplayURL OnlineBrands Top ad combinations // by device
HOW TO READ THIS: When “Online” terms are included in an ad’s Sitelink Extensions, the ad quality is high. And the number of advertisers showing with this high quality “Online” term in ads with Sitelinks is small. When ad quality is high and there aren’t very many advertisers showing on these terms, competition is low. Read “great opportunity” to include in Sitelink Extensions for Flowers, Cards, Gifts, and Candy products.