Crime Scenes 70RgRkiBwZY
Organized An organized crime scene indicates planning and premeditation on the part of the offender. – The crime scene shows signs that the offender maintained control of him or herself and the victim. – Often the victim is moved from the abduction area to another secluded area, and perhaps the body is then moved to still another area. – Furthermore, in an organized crime, the offender usually selects the victims according to some personal criteria.
Example The infamous serial killer Ted Bundy, for example, selected young, attractive women who were similar in appearance. He was successful in the abduction of these young women from highly visible areas, such as beaches, campuses, and ski lodges, indicating considerable planning and premeditation.
Characteristics of Organized Crime Scene Planned Offense Victim/location known Personalizes victim Controlled conversation Crime scene reflects control Demands submissive victim Restraints used
Organized Crime Scene Continued Aggressive acts prior to death Body hidden Weapon/evidence absent Transports victim or body
Organized Killers Average to above average intelligence Skilled work preferred Socially competent High Birth-order status Father's work stable Inconsistent childhood discipline Controlled mood during crime
Organized Killers Continued Minimal use of alcohol with crime Precipitating situational stress Living with partner Mobility (car in good condition)
Example John Wayne Gacy – Killed 33 young men and kids – Hid bodies under house – Worked as a clown for children’s parties. – Clown name was Pogo
Disorganized Crime Scene A disorganized crime scene demonstrates that the offender very probably committed the crime without premeditation or planning. The crime scene indicators suggest that the individual acted on impulse, in rage, or under extreme excitement. The disorganized offender obtains the victim by chance, often without specific criteria in mind.
Example For example, Herbert Mullin of Santa Cruz, killed 14 people of varying types (e.g., an elderly man, a young girl, and a priest) over a 4-month period. Generally, the victim's body is found at the scene of the crime.
Disorganized Crime Scene Spontaneous offense Victim-a targeted stranger Depersonalizes victim Minimal Conversation Crime scene random and sloppy Sudden violence to victim Minimal use of restraints
Disorganized Crime Scene Body left in view Weapon/evidence often present Body left at death scene
Disorganized Criminal Below-average intelligence Socially inadequate Unskilled work Low-birth order status Father's work unstable Harsh discipline as a child Anxious mood during crime
Disorganized Murderer continued Use of alcohol during crime Living alone Lives/works near crime scene Minimal interest in news media Significant behavior change oPlY oPlY