Standard Enterprise Report Management Visualization Management O NE C LEAR P ICTURE ® Patent Pending
Intelligent Agent: (IA) Crawls, caches and indexes all enterprise data for quick searches, and relevant information adding intelligence, temporal and meta data coordination (grouping). Process Matrix: (PM) Process expert encapsulating keywords and requirements. Provides context for IA. Partner Profile, Capabilities and Dependencies. Real-time “Health” or “Status” Indicator of the process. Expert Personal Agent: (PA) Collects local information on user’s data requirements. Compares requirements index to IA and PM. Actively pulls updated information from the network based Knowledge Processor that provides consolidated reporting. O NE C LEAR P ICTURE ® O NE C LEAR P ICTURE ® Mashup A website or web application that uses content from more than one source to create a completely new service. Virtual Data Layer Place any enterprise databases, APIs (such as SAP’s BAPI), flat files, and even Web services, behind database abstraction layer; Enterprise Information Integration (EII). Patent Pending VIRTUAL DATA LAYER SOA / Intranet MASHUP VIRTUAL DATA LAYER SOA / Intranet MASHUP MASHUP Process Matrix CAUSE EFFECT Process or Risk Matrix CAUSE EFFECT Intelligent Agent Google, Microsoft, MetaCarta, Etc.
OCP collects, mines, indexes and cache’s enterprise data. It generates tabular and spatial reports, that are presented in stand-alone or in a unified format with all ‘enterprise program’ generated reports. OCP operates well in homogeneous, disparate or legacy systems and with a variety of CRM, ERP and Supply Chain programs. O NE C LEAR P ICTURE ® ERP Marketing & Sales Professional Services Whs. Inv. Prod. WIP Procurement/Dist. Marketing & Sales Professional Services Whs. Inv. Prod. WIP Procurement/Dist. CRM Call Management Self Service Warranty Post-Warranty User Group Data Training & Updates Sales Force Automation Marketing Business Intel. IS Integration Offshore Operations Offshore Development Change Development Network Communications Outsourcing Housing CONOPS C4ISR External Content & Ad Hoc Feeds Supply Chain Due Diligence Acquisition E-commerce One Clear Picture Enterprise Systems VIRTUAL DATA LAYER SOA / Intranet MASHUP VIRTUAL DATA LAYER SOA / Intranet MASHUP MASHUP Process Matrix CAUSE EFFECT Process or Risk Matrix CAUSE EFFECT Intelligent Agent Google, Microsoft, MetaCarta, Etc.
VIRTUAL VIRTUAL DATA LAYER DATA LAYER SOA / Intranet MASHUP TABULAR REPORTING SPATIAL REPORTING Logistics Environmental Resource ENTERPRISE STRUCTURED DATA ERP—CRM—CMMS –SCM—GIS Process Matrix CAUSE EFFECT Facilities EXTERNAL DATA FEED EXTRANET DISPARATE DATA Acquisitions– Partners–Other One Clear Picture ® Generated View Intelligent Agent Google, Microsoft, MetaCarta, Etc.
OCP Applications PM Portal, Imagery and CAD Emergency Management Facilities & Operations Asset Management OCP; it Delivers, and it’s Battle Proven… Work Space Management Inventory Management 3D Imagery CMMS SCM
Enterprise- Wide Data National Data Regional Data Local Data ERPCRMSupply Chain IS 1 st Line Mgt. Middle Mgt. Senior Mgt. Executive Mgt. Data Areas Value Application Return on Investment Increases exponentially when visual data increases across enterprise operating systems and geography.