Preparation ensures that class time runs smoothly Time is used efficiently when the instructor is prepared Students learn more effectively Organization allows the class to run smoothly and efficiently Organization allows the instructor to explain content as clearly as possible
Always look to the positive side of situations Constantly encouraging students Praise and give recognition where warranted
Believes everyone is capable of achieving the same level of work Constantly challenging students mentally Build student’s confidence and teaches them to be themselves
Invents fun incentives for the class to reach goals set by the instructor I.E. dress up as a clown if everyone passes the test with a B or higher Makes class assignments that allow students to be active and move about
All students are afforded the same opportunities within the classroom No one student is given preference or special treatment over another Understands that some students will need more or different kinds of attention as each person learns in their own unique way
The instructor is approachable and not intimidating to students Shares some personal experiences with their class Takes interest in students and their lives outside of the classroom Partakes in some of the events the students are interested in (i.e. seeing a student play at a school football game)
Respect student privacy when returning grades Speak privately with students when concerned about academic performance or conduct Avoid situations that can be potentially embarrassing for a student Always keep confidential information a student tell you unless it needs to be reported to higher authorities
Minimum of a bachelor’s degree; masters or doctorate preferred Degree should be in education or specific teaching area (i.e. early childhood education) Must have teaching experience Most post-secondary institutions have programs that allow students to get field experience Must get a teaching license Licensure and certification requirements vary from state to state