How Advocacy at the State Level Can Help the Local Level Terry Jones Senior Consultant for Health and Physical Education Colorado Department of Education
Ways To Advocate at the State Level Build bridges before you need them!
Where Do the Bridges Lead? State Infrastructure –Prevention Leadership Council (PLC) –Interagency School Health Team (ISHT) School Policy and Indicators Workgroup (SPI) Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (COAHPERD) Denver Metro Health and Wellness Commission Colorado Physical Activity and Nutrition Workgroup (COPAN) Colorado Action For Healthy Kids Colorado Children's Campaign Prevention Initiatives (PI)
How do you advocate for physical education and health in your state?
1. Promoting program excellence Do you have a quality PE program- how do you know? Analyze your program –NASPE STARS –Alliance for a Healthier Generation
2. DEVELOP COMMUNICATION EDUCATE ADMINISTRATORS –Share documents and position statements with principal and school board –Provide information about QPE and national physical education standards
Educate students –Convey that you as the teacher value physical education –Encourage kids to get their parents to value physical education and physical activity –Develop an understanding of the differences between physical education and physical activity
Educate parents –Share information about state and national physical education standards and time recommendations –Encourage them to support physical education in their children’s school –Recognize their role in keeping children physically active 60 minutes a day –Inform them regularly about physical education’s contribution to their students complete education
Educate the public –A large percentage of you community does not have students enrolled in school; you need their support –Develop relationships with a variety of organizations in your community with children’s health issues as their focus –Seek local champions for children's causes
What are some strategies that you use to empower teachers to be advocates at the local level?
Terry Jones Colorado Department of Education