Fairy Tales
A fairy tale is a story of marvels and magic, often including stock characters such as the fairy, the ogre, a Prince Charming, a persecuted heroine, and the abandoned baby. It is about the adventures, fortunes, and misfortunes of a hero or heroine who ends up living happily ever after.
Literary Terms Archetype Allegory Imagery Theme Symbol Moral Motif
archetype The word archetype is commonly used to describe an original pattern or model from which all other things of the same kind are made.
Common archetypes Child Messiah (Redeemer, Savior) Healer Midas/Miser Hero Personal Liberator Prince Lover Sacrifice Samaritan Teacher Transformation
Great archetype site
allegory A narrative technique in which characters representing things or abstract ideas are used to convey a message or teach a lesson. Allegory is typically used to teach moral, ethical, or religious lessons but is sometimes used for satiric or political purposes.
imagery The array of images in a literary work. Also, figurative language. Image: A concrete representation of an object or sensory experience. Typically, such a representation helps evoke the feelings associated with the object or experience itself.
theme The underlying meaning of the story, a universal truth, a significant statement the story is making about society, human nature, or the human condition.
symbol Something that suggests or stands for something else without losing its original identity. In literature, symbols combine their literal meaning with the suggestion of an abstract concept.
moral The lesson or principle contained in or taught by a fable, a story, or an event.
motif A theme, character type, image, Metaphor, or other verbal element that recurs throughout a single work of literature or occurs in a number of different works over a period of time.
Common Elements repetition of words, phrases, chants fortunes & misfortunes of a hero adventures, often supernatural events "once upon a time" & "happily ever after" often set in rural and forest areas magic, charms, disguises, spells, tricks
Common Elements numbers play important roles transformations stock characters, such as the witch contains a lesson about life or a moral tag problems are overcome through bravery, cleverness, and other virtues
Common Elements journeys and quests animals play important roles, such as the wolf, the snake, and birds good & evil are clearly identified abused & persecuted people royalty and castles
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