Authors use literary techniques and elements to heighten interest, appeal to an audience, and effectively communicate their message. Readers make connections in order to better understand themselves and the world around them by reading a variety of texts and genres. How do we use language to convey our purposes for communication?
Literary allusions Conceit
Reader’s Notebook (1 per student) Short story from Daily Lesson 9 or novel from Daily Lesson 4 (class set) Song lyrics and/or film clips that include sensory language
Handout: Analyze This (1) English IV Unit 01 Writing Appetizer (1)
Locate examples of sensory language found in song lyrics and/or film clips to use for the first page of Handout: Analyze This. Prepare to display or duplicate as applicable. Handout: Analyze This and cut into strips (1 strip per group). One group will get the slip labeled literary allusion and complete the table based on that one technique. The other groups will use the remaining labeled slips.
If there are more than five groups, simply have more than one group complete the same item. There should be more than one example of these items in the class text. Record each of the five items on sheets of chart paper posted around the room. EIV Unit 01 Writing Appetizer
Allusion - a reference within a literary work to another work of literature, art, or real event. The reference is often brief and implied. Conceit - an extended metaphor in poetry or literature which is often fanciful or elaborate (e.g., Our eye-beams twisted, and did thread/Our eyes upon one double string in John Donne’s “The Extasie”)
Writing Appetizer Discuss the following: figurative language, sensory images, symbolism, allusion, and extended metaphor (conceit). If students’ ideas about these are not proficient, share definitions and examples for the students to add to their Reader’s Notebook. Discuss how these techniques are used in works of art including books, songs, film, etc. Display the first page of Handout: Analyze This. Distribute copies of song lyrics or prepare film clips. Discuss and complete the chart as a whole group.
Refer to the charts posted throughout the room. Explain to students that they will be working in Collaborative Groups to identify and analyze how the author has used each technique to create meaning using the class short story or novel. Assign each group a specific technique and explain that they should prepare to post and share their conclusions with the class in ways that allow them to get a full understanding of the concept and to take further notes for greater understanding.
Students work in groups to analyze how the author’s patterns of imagery, literary allusions, and conceits create meaning in the text. Students continue to read a designated section of the class text.
Student groups present their conclusions to the class. All students take notes in their Reader’s Notebook.
How do we use language to convey our purposes for communication? Discuss responses.