CLIC activity of R.Raatikainen Feb 20121R.Raatikainen BE-RF-PM Main tasks Thermo-mechanical modeling of the CLIC/LAB two-beam modules FEA for assembling the RF mock structures for the lab
Overview Contributions for the CLIC Study 16 Feb 20122R.Raatikainen, BE-RF-PM PastCurrent Studied an improved cooling modeling for the CLIC Two-Beam Modules (FEM). Thermo-mechanical modeling of the CLIC/LAB modules, other FEA simulations especially for the LAB assemblies. Finalization of tasks. Preparation of models/files for the follower carrying out similar FEA/CFD simulations.
Past activites – PETS/AS Tooling 16 Feb 2012R.Raatikainen, BE-RF-PM3 Illustration of the FEA performed for the PETS installed in the lab. Similarly, simulations were carried out for the accelerating structures to be installed in the lab during this year.
Past activities 16 Feb 2012R.Raatikainen, BE-RF-PM4 Transient structural FEA for the PETS RF On-Off mechanism 3D CFD cooling simulation were carried out for the CLIC Compact Load
Current activities 16 Feb 2012R.Raatikainen, BE-RF-PM5 The most time consuming project, the so called thermo-mechanical modeling (TMM) of the CLIC two-beam modules The development of the current complex started as studying a possible fluid flow method, which could afterwards be applied for the whole module (fluid- thermal simulation for the module became possible). However, the structural simulation remained extremely heavy from computational point of view when the first TMM was performed in For the time being, also the structural environment has been successfully improved and therefore better understanding of the modules mechanical behavior can be obtained in significantly less time.
Future aspects Based on the 3D CFD cooling simulation performed for the CLIC compact load, a structural and modal analysis should be studied more closely Future prospects for the TMM Since the current TMM has reached relatively stable and computationally efficient stage, the model could be extended to notify transient phenomena in the future. Also the possibility to utilize structural optimization for the large TMM would be beneficial. Which kind of configuration (support location, orientation of the interconnections etc.) would lead into a minimal displacements with the given loading? However, any future FEA including possible transient or iterative effects in TMM should be performed using computing resources prepared for solving models in Terabyte level. 16 Feb 2012R.Raatikainen, BE-RF-PM6