“A Personal Geography”
Why are some places so special? What makes them so precious to us?
Have you ever been somewhere where you ’ ve been stunned by its beauty...
Have you been somewhere you ’ ve never wanted to leave?
Have you been somewhere you instantly felt at home?
We want you to think of a place that might be far away.....
...it may be close to home...
...it may be a human landscape...
...it may be the view from above....
Bridleway.... All around, the green buds burst, Sap exploding into flower-froth; hydraulic energies inflating leaves like detonating air bags.. But in the treacle motion of my freeze frame world I saw only delicate flags of white and green, Fingering the morning air......My spring unwound as well and in the long, elastic string of time and circumstance I tasted the unhurried privilege of peace. by Alistair McNaught It may be a poem or a piece of literature...
...it may be unexceptional to others but special to you...
Criteria for submission.... you can be as creative as you wish but...!! You need to: Supply an image with a written description which may be: text annotation poetry (your own or published (with source)) Use geographical vocabulary Convey a sense of meaning and importance to you Reflect on how other people might perceive your place in a different way
What is it about this place? The photos don’t do it justice, but the shoreline is captivating. As I descend the decaying steps from Swains Road I always pause and peruse the ephemeral scene. It is the same in its fundamentals; the beach, the defences, the vegetation and the sea itself but so much is different. Had that tree fallen in chaotic fashion across the shingle ridge last summer? Why is there a huge bank of seaweed at high tide level – have we seen that before? In essence my love of the coastline comes down to this. I was brought up by the sea – not this particular segment – but in my bones there is a need for salt in the air, the sight of mighty destructive waves and the peace of a beach with a lapping gentle sea. It is the dynamism, the unpredictability and the raw force that, as a geographer I know we must learn to accept, to appreciate and to work with it in a long lasting manner. (Excerpt)
My special place! It always amazes me that a walk of less than 5 minutes from the busy lift station can lead you to a place that has the ability to calm the most frantic soul. It is one of nature’s best infinity pools with the water looking like it is about to tumble over the edge of the mountain to join the glaciers in the distance. As soon as I reach a conveniently located rock and sit down I can feel any stress tumbling out of me with each breath I exhale. (Excerpt)
How to submit your entry Send us your favourite image with either: text on max.1 side A4 text on max. 2 powerpoint slides poem as a poster
Why bother? Because you are a geographer with a great sense of place Because by participating, you are part of a community of geographers sharing something that is important to all of us Because there could be money in it!
Prizes 4 x £50 to the winners: 2 categories – Years 7-11; 6 th formers Deadline 24th February 2012 All entries to be sent to Carolyn Avery: Barton Peveril College, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 5ZA Awarded at the March 2012 conference