BANGLADESH OPHI Summer School 2013 Group: 1 (Fernanda, Halim, Kenda, Laura, Rebecca, Ross)
Purpose of the Measure Purpose: To assess multi-dimensional poverty among women in Bangladesh Explanation: Reports showed women are vulnerable Women are important for further reductions in poverty and development Unit of Analysis Unit: Individual (Respondent woman, ages 15-49)
Dimensions & Indicators DimensionIndicator Deprivation Weight Raw Headcount Ratio Raw Headcount Ratio (Missing) Cut-offs EmploymentOccupation of respondent Unemployed vs. employed 1/ (3,004/59.87) EducationEducational attainmentIncomplete primary/no vs. more 1/ (8/0.15) Health and Nutritional status BMI of womenHH has a woman with BMI<18.5 1/ (86/1.72) Standard of LivingAssetsHH has 1+ vs not or doesn’t own car/truck 1/ (3/0.06) FloorHH has earth/sand vs. other (1/0.03) ElectricityHH Access - Yes/No Cooking fuelHH has electricity, LPG, and natural vs. biomass source Drinking waterHH has improved source vs. not 2.82 SanitationHH has improved sources vs. not 52.56