English: Monday, April 8, 2013 1.Handouts: * None 2.Homework: * Select your “best” writing piece: Make corrections, do a print out and illustration, then.


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Presentation transcript:

English: Monday, April 8, Handouts: * None 2.Homework: * Select your “best” writing piece: Make corrections, do a print out and illustration, then save that writing piece to the “S” drive (Donohue, Best Piece folder, Eng 6-__) Save as: LastName_FirstName_Best_Piece Due next Monday, April 15 Shall we reward the most creative efforts? 3.Assignments due: * Grammar #54 (Diagramming Direct and Indirect Objects and Predicate Words)

Lesson Goal: Examine your writing projects from this year to set personal goals for fourth quarter. Outcomes: Be able to... 1.Analyze individual writing assignments from throughout this year. 2.Identify your strongest—most appealing—writing assignments from this year. 3.Identify patterns in your writing samples that reveal areas of weakness, what you personally need to work on to become a good writer. 4.Determine how you will creatively illustrate your piece.

Starter #1: Please take out a sheet of paper and place a heading on it. How many writing assignments can you recall doing this year? In a bulleted listing, name as many as you can (e.g. “I am an Arab American,” etc.) Include your PAWs, your TAP, and your poems. Of all these pieces, which one are you most proud of? Before you make your decision, let me hand back a few graded writing assignments....

Starter #2: I will hand back all of your graded writing assignments that I’ve kept for you. As you receive these writing pieces, look not only at the grade you received, but also at comments about your writing and your use of grammar and mechanics. When it comes to things you need to improve in your writing, what patterns do you notice? Draw a line across your paper. Then begin listing those areas that need improvement.

Starter #3: Select the piece you are most proud of. If you had to illustrate it (could be with collage images, clip art, photos, cartoons, your own drawings/paintings), how would you do that? With the time remaining, begin brainstorming ideas for illustrating that piece. Here’s the catch: Your illustrations must be contained to one sheet of 8 x 10 paper (Mrs. D will provide it), and you can do it either vertically or horizontally.