Food Safety ODE/CNP CRE/SMI Are you Ready?
School Nutrition Program Standards Are you using our standards?
FOOD SAFETY INSPECTIONs Do you have the most recent report posted for each site? If any site didn’t get their 2nd inspection by 4/15, did you send a written request for one ?
Food Safety Plan Do you have one specified for each site? Is it based on USDA HACCP Guidelines? When did you last review and update it?
PROCESS LOGS Are all 3 Process Logs filled out with your whole year’s menu items that contain Hazardous Foods?
Standard Operating Procedures SOPs Do you have the SOPs developed to your specific sites? Is your staff following the SOPs?
Critical Control Points, CCP Do you have the CCPs identified on your Standardized Recipes? Are your sites documenting daily time and temperature on: Production Records, Freezer, Refrigerator, Milk coolers ?
Thank You! Now go have a boat load of fun developing & reviewing your Food Safety Plan! For more information go to: