Definition of Terms Curriculum - In formal education, a curriculum is the planned interaction of pupils with instructional content, materials, resources, and processes for evaluating the attainment of educational objectives. Curriculum Development – it is defined as the process of selecting, organizing, executing, and evaluating learning experiences on the basis of the needs, abilities and interests of the learners and the nature of the society or community. Curriculum Diagnosis - an essential part of curriculum development in order to attune it with the needs of times and of leaners, and to help determine which objectives to stress.
5 Areas to Diagnose Needs in Curriculum Development
1. Diagnosis of the Learners Interest, ability & activities of the learners Uniqueness of individual Cultural background, motivational pattern & social learning Aims: develop their knowledge, habits, skills, abilities, & attributes
Reasons why diagnosis of the learners is an important determinant of the curriculum are the following: Maximum development of individual. Development of individual’s unique talents & abilities. Welfare & advancement of the social group depend on the development of the human potentialities of each member comprising the group. Motivational syndrome of the individual. School program and learning experiences should be adaptive to the learners. Evaluation of the pupil’s growth must take account of his own capacities, abilities, talents & potentialities.
2. Diagnosis of Social Needs Content of the curriculum should deal with the nature, background, and needs of the society. The course of study must be organized around the changing nature and developmental needs of learners and persistent life situations found in the culture. The organization of the curriculum should be based on the conditions, problems, and needs of society, and on the real concerns, problems and interest of the learners.
Reasons behind the importance of societal diagnosis as a determinant of the curriculum are the following: Teachers and curriculum leaders themselves are participants in the society & usually have been thoroughly educated. School inculcates the values, ideas, beliefs, and traditions of the social group. School educates its pupils to live in a particular society at a particular time. Curriculum planning and teaching should take account the innate aspects of pupil motivation. The knowledge and concepts learned by the young should be culturally determined.
3. Diagnosis of Achievement Can be determined how well students have achieved important educational objectives. Information derived from diagnosis of achievement is use to establish standards and to locate the causes of weaknesses & strengths in the attainment of students. Facilitates in the evaluation progress.
4. Diagnosis of Values Curriculum developers must select the subject matter most valuable for the particular learners.
5. Diagnosis of School Facilities and Resources of the Community The resources of the community should be utilized to enrich and vitalize the program of the school and its curriculum to give reality and concreteness to learners. The curriculum must be alive and dynamic, adapted to the circumstances and experiences of the learners. The activities of the curriculum should be indigenous to the community.