To think or not to think: that is the question! Writing an argument using Socratic questioning Adapted from Laying the Foundation Writing an argument using Socratic questioning Adapted from Laying the Foundation
BEFORE YOU BEGIN Teacher should randomly split the class into two groups, the Inner Circle and the Outer Circle. Teacher will explain that while the Inner Circle is speaking, the Outer Circle should listen and take notes on their surveys. Once the Inner Circle has finished their discussion, switch positions, making the Inner Circle the Outer Circle and vice versa.
Inner/Outer Circle Survey Make sure that all students have a copy of the survey. Teacher will explain the survey at this time. Teacher will also explain that only the Outer Circle will use the survey to assess the Inner Circle. While the Outer Circle is speaking, the Inner Circle will listen respectfully. Time your discussion. It should be 5 - no more than 10 minutes long.
Inner/Outer Circle (everything students say must begin with one of the following stems) I agree with you (statement) because… I agree with you but… I disagree with you because… I would like to hear from… I have a question for_______ about… I would like to clarify…
Inner/Outer Circle Discussion #1 TOPIC: “Reality television shows are healthy for the children who are featured on them.” (Flip back to the stems so that students can refer to them throughout the discussion)
Outer Circle Analysis Give the Outer Circle approximately 5 minutes to complete their surveys. Give them another 5 minutes to tell the Inner Circle how they rated their discussion. (This part of the lesson can be led by the teacher or a designated student).
CHANGE SIDES! The Outer Circle will now become the Inner Circle and vice versa. Repeat the process using the same topic.
Enjoy your analysis! Ms. Marshall