The Color Spectrum The spread of colors from white light when passed through a prism or diffraction grating. –Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet
The Color Spectrum White Light: Light, such as sunlight, that is a combination of all the colors.
The Color Spectrum Quick Experiment (5 min.): –Go to the lab stations (4 per station) –Use the white paper, light source and prism to create the color spectrum.
Color by Reflection The colors of most objects are due to the way the objects absorb and reflect light. –If it looks red under white light, the object absorbs most of the frequencies of light and reflects red. Most materials absorb light of some frequencies and reflect the rest. –If it reflects all of the visible frequencies, then the color is white. –If it absorbs all the visible frequencies, then the color is black.
Mixing Colored Light Almost every color can be made by overlapping light of three colors and adjusting the brightness of each color. Additive Primary Colors: Red, Green and Blue (light). These produce the highest number of different colors. When added together, they produce white.
Mixing Colored Light What happens when two of the three additive primary colors are combined? Red + Green = Red + Blue = Blue + Green =
Mixing Colored Light What happens when two of the three additive primary colors are combined? + = Yellow + = Magenta + = Cyan
Complementary Colors When two colors are added together to produce white, they are called complementary colors. We know that: Blue + Green + Red = White
Complementary Colors We know that: Blue + Green + Red = White So, Cyan + Red = White Cyan and Red are COMPLEMENTARY COLORS
Complementary Colors What is the complementary color of blue? What is the complementary color of green?