Massage of the ear The eight methods of auricular massage
Introduction The auricular acupoint manipulation and massaging are harmonious with each other. These two work synergistically in enhancing the channel-acupoint effectiveness. Improving the circulation of QI and blood through the channel, regulating nervous and immunological functions, lead to strengthening of the resisting power of the body. The eight methods of auricular massaging are in reality the methods for health protection and health preservation. These methods are simply to perform without untoward reactions. They are used to regulate Shen ( the mental activities ), the body and the respiration. By keeping on these eight methods of self-massaging, one may keep fit.
The eight methods of massaging 1. Hearing voice of the pine in the jade ( Massage the anterior and posterior surfices of the auricle simultaneously ) 2. The monkey is picking the fruits ( Massaging the ear apex, the antitragus and ear lob) 3. The dragon is pounding the sea ( Massaging the cavum cochae) 4. Drifting in a boat in the heavenly pool ( Massaging the cymba conchae) 5. The wasps are entering their caves (Massaging the external auricular meatus) 6. The phoenix is spreading out its wings ( Massaging the triangular fossa and the superior crus anthelicis ) 7. The person of longevity is mountain-climbing ( Massaging the anthelix and the scaphoid fossa ) 8. The turtle is offering birthday felicitations ( Massaging the posterior and anterior ear root
Points needing attention 1. For application of these eight methods there are three positions: Standing Sitting Semi-recumbent. 2. Always the patient must be explained about the tips and hints of the performance: Preparation Performance When to do and when to avoid Mindwill and function
voice of the pine in the jade building ( Massage the anterior surface and posterior surface of the auricle simultaneously ) Each surface of the ears are massaged by pushing the hands to and fro, backwards and forwards for 8 strokes respectively. By palms pressing on the face, and the five fingers drawing close side by side and pressing tightly on the auricle and tips of the fingers pointing backwards, push the hands towards the occiput until the palms are out of touch with the helix and the tips of the meddle fingers are in touch with each other. Then, the auricles are folded by sliding the palms until the fingers are out of touch with the auricle reaching the cheeks. The massage should be coordinated with the breading- Backwards-inspiration; Forwards- expiration. Mindwill: With the mind concentrating on the wholebody, the trunk and the four limbs. Function: Massage the anterior and posterior surface of the auricles to benefit dredging of the channels and collaterals, to regulate QI and Blood, to reinforce the Kidney QI, to increase the acuity of hearing and prevent deafness.
The monkey is picking the fruits ( Massaging the ear apex, the antitragus and the ear lobe Massage the ear apex, antitragus and lobe of both ears by kneading and loosing alternatively and pulling. The massage should be coordinated with the respiration accordingly: Kneading-inspiration; Loosing-expiration. Mindwill: Mind-concentration on the location of the disease. The cranio-facial part, elixir field. Function: Abatement of fever, hypotensive effect, tranquilizaton, tonification of the brain, improvement of acuity of vision, clearing away heat from the throat, beneficial to health preservation of the genital system.
The Dragon is pounding the sea ( Massaging the cavum conchae ) which makes a circular round massage in a clockwise direction following a similar round massage in an anticlockwise direction. It should be coordinated with the respiration. Clockwise direction - Inspiration; Anticlockwise direction -Expiration. Mindwill: Auriculoacupoints Thorax. Mind concentrated on the location of the disease. Function: Reinforcing the the Heart and lung, splenishing the spleen, Invigorate QI and Blood, Clearing away heat from the throat ( Pharynx and larynx), relieve cough and asthma and regulating imunological functions.
Drifting in a boat the heavenly pool ( Massaging the cymba conchae ) Massage of the cymba conchae by index finger tip for half a circle pushing from above and lateral to the inferior, then likewise massage cymba conchae for half a circle but in a reverse direction-from below and internal to the lateral. The above stated to and fro manipulations are repeated for 8 strokes respectively. Sould be coordinated with the respiration: First half circle- inspiration; Second half circle- expiration. Minwill: Auriculoacupoints Abdomen. Mind- concentration on the location of the disease. Function:Soothing the liver, normalizing function of the Gallbladder, strengthening the intestine and Stomach, promoting the urination and reinforcing the Kidney.
The wasps are entering their caves ( Massaging the external auditory meatus ) Massaging the external auditory meatus by the little fingers of both hands which are extended and inserted into the external meatus. The other four fingers are clenched into a fist with the center of the fist facing backwards. Massage the external meatus from behind towards the anterior, then from anterior towards posterior. These manipulations are repeated for 8 strokes for each direction respectively. Sould be coordinated with the respiration: From behind towards anterior - inspiration; When the tip of the little finger is moving fron anterior towards posterior - expiration. Minwill: Auriculoacupoint Nasopharynx. Mind concentration on location of the disease. Function: Increasing acuity of hearing, promoting circulation of QI, relieving sore-throat and nasal swelling.
The phoenix is spreading out its wings ( Massaging the triangular fossa and the superior crus anthelicis ) Massage the triangular fossa by kneading it on both sides for a small circle with the thumb and index finger and then pull the auricle outwards at the superior crus anthelicis just like phoenix spreading its wings, then the thumb and index finger are loosed suddenly. These spreading and loosing manipulations are repeated for 8 strokes for each respectively. Sould be coordinated with the respiration:Spreading - Inspiration; Loosing- expiration. Minwill: Mind concentrated on the location of the disease. ( the lower Dantian ) Function:Strengthening the reproductive system, Reliving spasm, tranquilizing the mind, lowering the blood pressure, reliving rigidity of the muscles and joints.
The person of longevity is mountain-climbing ( Massage the nathelix and the scaphoid fossa ) Essential for the manipulation: Knead the lower part of the anthelix with the thumb and index finger, with the latter slightly flexed, bringing the index finger along the thumb, from below upwards. The anthelix is massage on both surfaces step by step, then similar manipulations are repeated from above downwards, but the upper part of scaphoid fossa is kneaded instead. These upward and downward manipulations are repeated for 8 srokes for each respectively. Sould be coordinated with the respiration:inspiration and expiration during each step. Minwill: Trunk and upper limb. Mind-concentration on location of disease. Function:Strengthen the muscles and bones, tonifying the spinal cord and activating the joints.
The turtle is offering birthday felicitations (Massaging the posterior and anterior ear root ) Essential for the manipulation: Extend the index and middle finger side by side and touch the inferior border of the posterior surface of the auricle. Massage the posterior surface of the auricle from below upwards along the ear root, then these two fingers move round and massage the anterior surface of the auricle from above downwards along the ear root. These manipulations are repeated for 8 strokes for each respectively. Sould be coordinated with the respiration: Firs faze - inspiration; Second faze - expiration. Minwill: The brain ( expelling the turbid QI ) Function: Invigorating the brain, tranquilizing the mind, reliving the spasm, reliving itching and normalizing the blood pressure.